Dynatrace Cordova plugin wrapper for OutSystems

This plugin is based on the code published by Dynatrace as an NPM package at this location. It gives you the ability to use the Dynatrace instrumentation in your hybrid application.

Dynatrace Cordova plugin version

This is based on @dynatrace/cordova-plugin version 1.259.2.

Agent Versions

This agent versions are configured in this plugin:

  • iOS Agent:
  • Android Agent:

MABS Version

This plugin uses MABS version 9.

How to Update this Wrapper

Install the NPM and prepare folders

  1. Create a new branch of the following repository and clone it into your PC: https://github.com/OutSystems/dynatrace-cordova-plugin
  2. Create a new temp folder in another location
  3. Run the following command inside your temp folder: cordova create cordovaapp dynatraceRUM
  4. Enter the newly created folder called cordovaapp, move all its content to the temp folder you created before.
  5. In your temp folder run this command: cordova plugin add @dynatrace/cordova-plugin --save

Copy files

  1. Go to the folder for the repo you just cloned. Copy the folder OutSystems under folder scripts.
  2. Go back to the folder node_modules\@dynatrace\cordova-plugin\scripts under your temp folder and paste the folder OutSystems there

Add Hooks to plugin.xml

  1. Go to the folder node_modules\@dynatrace\cordova-plugin under your temp folder and open file plugin.xml in a code editor
  2. Add these two lines
  <hook src="scripts/Outsystems/npmInstall.js" type="before_plugin_install"/>
  <hook src="scripts/Outsystems/copyConfig.js" type="before_prepare"/>


  <hook src="scripts/pluginAdd.js" type="before_plugin_add"/>
  <hook src="scripts/install.js" type="after_plugin_add"/>
  <hook src="scripts/uninstall.js" type="before_plugin_rm"/>
  <hook src="scripts/instrument.js" type="after_prepare"/>
  <hook src="scripts/close-log.js" type="after_build"/>
  <hook src="scripts/close-log.js" type="after_run"/>


  <hook src="scripts/pluginAdd.js" type="before_plugin_add"/>
  <hook src="scripts/Outsystems/npmInstall.js" type="before_plugin_install"/>
  <hook src="scripts/install.js" type="after_plugin_add"/>
  <hook src="scripts/uninstall.js" type="before_plugin_rm"/>
  <hook src="scripts/Outsystems/copyConfig.js" type="before_prepare"/>
  <hook src="scripts/instrument.js" type="after_prepare"/>
  <hook src="scripts/close-log.js" type="after_build"/>
  <hook src="scripts/close-log.js" type="after_run"/>

Add the new code to the repo

  1. Go to your temp folder and copy the content of node_modules\@dynatrace\cordova-plugin (except for file README.md) into the folder where you cloned the dynatrace-cordova-plugin repo
  2. Commit your changes to origin

Identify users in the native side

Add JavaScript bindings

  1. Create a new file in your repo called IdentifyUserNative.js under folder other
  2. Add the following content
// Empty constructor
function IdentifyUserNative() {}
// The function that passes work along to native shells
IdentifyUserNative.prototype.identifyUserNative = function(userId, successCallback, errorCallback) {
 var options = {};
 options.userId = userId;
 cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, 'DynatraceCordovaPlugin', 'identifyUser', [options]);
// Installation constructor that binds IdentifyUserNative to window
IdentifyUserNative.install = function() {
 if (!window.plugins) {
   window.plugins = {};
 window.plugins.identifyUserNative = new IdentifyUserNative();
 return window.plugins.identifyUserNative;
  1. Modify file plugin.xml and add the following
 <js-module src="other/IdentifyUserNative.js" name="identifyUserNative">
     <clobbers target="window.plugins.identifyUserNative" />


  <js-module src="other/DynatraceCordovaPlugin.js" name="dynatraceMobile">
	  <clobbers target="dynatraceMobile"/>

  <platform name="ios">


  <js-module src="other/DynatraceCordovaPlugin.js" name="dynatraceMobile">
	  <clobbers target="dynatraceMobile"/>

  <js-module src="other/IdentifyUserNative.js" name="identifyUserNative">
      <clobbers target="window.plugins.identifyUserNative" />

  <platform name="ios">

Add Android code

  1. Open file DynatraceCordovaPlugin.java in folder other
  2. Go to the top of DynatraceCordovaPlugin class declaration, where there are some constants declared, and add a new one called ACTION_UEM_IDENTIFY_USER with value identifyUser
public static final String ACTION_UEM_IDENTIFY_USER = "identifyUser";


  public static final String ACTION_UEM_END_SESSION = "endVisit";
  public static final String ACTION_UEM_GET_USERPRIVACYOPTIONS = "getUserPrivacyOptions";
  public static final String ACTION_UEM_APPLY_USERPRIVACYOPTIONS = "applyUserPrivacyOptions";


  public static final String ACTION_UEM_END_SESSION = "endVisit";
  public static final String ACTION_UEM_GET_USERPRIVACYOPTIONS = "getUserPrivacyOptions";
  public static final String ACTION_UEM_APPLY_USERPRIVACYOPTIONS = "applyUserPrivacyOptions";
  public static final String ACTION_UEM_IDENTIFY_USER = "identifyUser";
  1. Go to the last else if of method execute and add the following code
else if (action.equals(ACTION_UEM_IDENTIFY_USER)) {
  String userId = args.getJSONObject(0).getString("userId");

  callbackContext.success("UserId: " + userId);
  return true;


  } else if (action.equals(ACTION_UEM_APPLY_USERPRIVACYOPTIONS)) {
    UserPrivacyOptions.Builder optionsBuilder = UserPrivacyOptions.builder();

    callbackContext.success("Privacy settings updated!");

    return true;
} catch(Exception e) {
  System.err.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
  return false;


  } else if (action.equals(ACTION_UEM_APPLY_USERPRIVACYOPTIONS)) {
    UserPrivacyOptions.Builder optionsBuilder = UserPrivacyOptions.builder();

    callbackContext.success("Privacy settings updated!");

    return true;
  } else if (action.equals(ACTION_UEM_IDENTIFY_USER)) {
    String userId = args.getJSONObject(0).getString("userId");

    callbackContext.success("UserId: " + userId);
    return true;
} catch(Exception e) {
  System.err.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
  return false;

Adding iOS code

  1. Open the file DynatraceCordovaPlugin.h in folder other
  2. Add the following line of code at the bottom of it before the @end keyword
- (void)identifyUser:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;


@interface DynatraceCordovaPlugin : CDVPlugin

- (void)endVisit:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;

- (void) getUserPrivacyOptions:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;

- (void) applyUserPrivacyOptions:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;



@interface DynatraceCordovaPlugin : CDVPlugin

- (void)endVisit:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;

- (void) getUserPrivacyOptions:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;

- (void) applyUserPrivacyOptions:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;

- (void)identifyUser:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;

  1. Open the file DynatraceCordovaPlugin.m in folder other
  2. Add the following code at the bottom of it before the @end keyword
- (void)identifyUser:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command
    CDVPluginResult* pluginResult;

    if ([command.arguments objectAtIndex:0]) {

        NSString* userId = [[command.arguments objectAtIndex:0] valueForKey:@"userId"];
        DTX_StatusCode result = [Dynatrace identifyUser:userId];
        pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK messageAsString:@("Success")];
    } else {
        pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_ERROR];

    [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];


    [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];



    [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];

- (void)identifyUser:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command
    CDVPluginResult* pluginResult;

    if ([command.arguments objectAtIndex:0]) {

        NSString* userId = [[command.arguments objectAtIndex:0] valueForKey:@"userId"];
        DTX_StatusCode result = [Dynatrace identifyUser:userId];
        pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK messageAsString:@("Success")];
    } else {
        pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_ERROR];

    [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];


Access this code from your plugin

In order to access this code from your plugin, you can execute the JavaScript function:


Merge code into main branch

To finish the process

  1. Commit and push all your code to your fork
  2. Create a release with a tag
  3. Create a PR to merge your code into main, or point your plugin to your private repo by:
    • Opening it with Service Studio
    • Clicking on the plugin name in the right-side panel
    • Going to extensibility
    • And changing the URL of the repository