
Multi-repo support for Magit

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


A set of extensions to Magit for handling multiple repositories simultaneously. This documentation will only make sense if you're familiar with Magit.

Browsing Multiple Repositories

[custom variable] multi-magit-selected-repositories

This list determines which repositories the various multi-magit should operate on. You can easily select and unselect repositories using multi-magit-list-repositories.

[command] multi-magit-list-repositories

Similar to magit-list-repositories but lets you select/unselect repositories using RET.

The format of this listing is controlled via multi-magit-repolist-columns custom variable, which has the same format as magit-repolist-columns. Use magit-repository-directories and magit-repository-directories-depth to control which repositories will be listed.

[command] multi-magit-list-branches

List all branches in all of your repositories, grouping branches with the same name. RET will select the applicable repositories and multi-magit-checkout the branch at point. C-k deletes the branch at point in the applicable repositories.

Use magit-repository-directories and magit-repository-directories-depth to control which repositories will be listed.

[command] multi-magit-status

Like magit-status but aggregates all of the multi-magit-selected-repositories.

We recommend binding it globally to C-x G:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x G") 'multi-magit-status)

multi-magit-status-sections-hook determines which sections will be inserted for each repo. It accepts the same sections as magit-status-sections-hook but defaults to lightweight sections focused on giving you a quick overview of each repository.

[custom variable] multi-magit-refresh-status-buffer

Whether the multi-magit-status buffer is refreshed after running git.

When this variable and magit-refresh-status-buffer are both non-nil, multi-magit's status buffer is automatically refreshed after running git for side-effects on a selected repository.

Multi-repository Commands

[command] multi-magit-checkout

Checkout a given branch on each of the selected repositories. Lists suggestions based on branch names that are common across every repository.

[command] multi-magit-branch-delete

Delete a given branch on each of the selected repositories. Lists suggestions based on branch names that are common across every repository.

[command] multi-magit-git-command

Execute a git command for each selected repository.

[command] multi-magit-shell-command

Execute a shell command for each selected repository.

Repository Overview for magit-status

[section] multi-magit-insert-repos-overview

Add this to magit-status-sections-hook to include a one-line overview for each selected repository showing the repository name, the current branch and quick status showing an untracked/staged/unstaged file count.

(magit-add-section-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook
                         nil t)