
Serverless App using ReactJS and ProPubica API, stored on AWS S3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ProPublica React App

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ProPublica App

This project was created with create-react-app

This app, use API call to ProPublica Congress API. You can review their documentation for more info on the structure of congressperson data.

Set Api Keys

You can get a Pro publica API Key for free at their website. You can get a Google Maps API from Google Console

The api keys can be set at src/settings/settings.js

  static API_KEY: string = 'PROPUBLICA API KEY';
  static MAPS_API_KEY: string = 'GOOGLE MAPS API KEY';

Run the project

You can run the app by running yarn start. It supports most ES6 syntax, comes with bootstrap, and will live-reload while developing.

npm install
yarn start

What can you find in this app?

  • Propublica Api requests to fetch data.

  • Congresspeople list view: which contains for each congressperson:

    • A full name,
    • Social media links
    • party
    • their district/state,
    • the next year in which they are up for election.
  • Congressperson Detail view: which calls the detailed API for that congressperson and shows additional information on their roles/committee membership when the user clicks on a specific list item.

  • Searching Bar for Senators or Representatives by name.

  • UI for filtering: to filter data of congresspeople by:

    • various characteristics (e.g. party, year of next election, gender, etc)
    • Filters components to change the parameters that are being passed to the API -- i.e. chamber (house or senate) and congressional session (the default is 115), and reload the list with the new data.
  • Loading UI (Spinner) while data is being fetched from the API.

  • A slider UI that allows the user to drag along a scale to hide/show congresspeople who satisfy the criteria for data points that are ranges or percentages like total_votes or votes_with_party_percentage.

  • Cache on local device: cache for the data on the device so that we don't need to make redundant calls to the API for data we have fetched previously.

  • Google Maps API to show a map with a pin for the office location when the user clicks on a specific list item.

  • Routing mechanism so that each search property is encoded in the URL, such that we can refresh the page and still see the same result.

  • Testing

    • CRA comes packaged with the jest testing library. It also sets up a sample test file in App.test.js and you can run the tests using yarn test. You can find additional info on testing in CRA here.
  • APP Settings: I have included a Settings module to centralized all configurations for the app. For custom app settings, refer to settings/settings


course: https://www.udemy.com/react-the-complete-guide-incl-redux

spinner sytle https://projects.lukehaas.me/css-loaders/

articles https://scotch.io/tutorials/build-custom-pagination-with-react https://jsramblings.com/2018/01/15/3-ways-to-test-mapStateToProps-and-mapDispatchToProps.html


How to Make a Google Map with React.js? - A Step-by-Step Tutorial


(Geocoder) tomchentw/react-google-maps#324

Resources for deploy https://medium.com/ovrsea/deploy-automatically-a-react-app-on-amazon-s3-iam-within-minutes-da6cb0096d55

Deploy to S3

aws configure
npm run build
npm run deploy