
No Port found for Dobot Magician

grappyX opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey Luismesas,

i've installed all required files to my raspberry pi 3, but as soon as i start the, ig get this error-message.

Can you help me?

Did you configure the correct port? Should be something like the following on a Raspberry Pi:

device = Dobot(port='/dev/ttyUSB0')

Run ls /dev/tty* to try and find which is the correct USB port if it's not ttyUSB0.

I will try that, thanks for your fast response!!

Hi @grappyX ,

I updated the basic example to use the first available port, please let me know if this helps.

PS: I know I'm replying a year late, but I guess I owe you an answer :)

@morrisonj Thank you so much for helping others with this library :)