
This places an object (video, image, svg) in the middle of a video. There is a setting that also allows the user to change the background to a color, image, or video.


Example Usage

python \
  --object-input="media/image" \
  --background-color="#fff" \
  --object  -width="600" \
  --aspect-ratio="1280x600" \
  --vid-duration="(30,60)" \
  --opacity=".4" \
  --output-dir="output" \


--audio-input=" "

Can accept either directories (will choose one file at random) or a specific file.

Allowed files: .wav, .mp3, .flac

--object-input=" "

Can accept either directories (will choose one file at random) or specific files.

--object-width=" "

Controls the object width.

--aspect-ratio=" "

Lets you set the size of the outputted video.

Here's a good list of recommended sizing and aspect ratios.

--vid-duration=" "

Duration of the outputted video. This will be treated in seconds. You can write a single, definitive number ( eg. 45) or a range that will be randomly selected when run (eg. (30,60)).

--background-color=" "

The background color of the video. Accepts Hex or RGBA values. Setting this value as null makes the background transparent.

--background-video=" "

Allows you to place a secondary video in the background. By default it should fill the screen entirely.

--opacity=" "

Opacity of the centered object.

--output-dir=" "

The directory that the completed thing will output to.

Development Notes


# Centered Object
# //////////////////////////////
echo "Run centered-object-video"

python \
  --audio-input="path/to/audio" \
  --object-input="path-to-object" \
  --object-width="  " \
  --background-input="  " \
  --background-width="  " \
  --aspect-ratio="  " \
  --vid-duration="  " \
  --opacity=" " \
  --output-dir="path/to/output" \