
Front end, API and IATI for NGO Aid Map

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Table of Contents

  1. Ruby Version
  2. Rails Version
  3. Install System Dependencies
  4. Install the App
  5. Assets
  6. Running Tests
  7. Deploying

Ruby Version

Ruby version is specified in both the Gemfile and .ruby-version. As of this writing, the Ruby version used is 2.3.1.

Rails Version

Rails version is specified in the Gemfile. As of this writing, the Rails version used is

Install System Dependencies

Install Homebrew:

Ensure you have Homebrew installed on your machine. We'll use this to install further dependencies.

Install PostgreSQL:

  brew install postgresql

Install Redis:

  brew install redis

Install rbenv (or any ruby version manager):

  brew install rbenv
  rbenv init

It is recommended that you double-check the installation instructions for installing rbenv with Homebrew. There is a git alternative to installing rbenv as well.

Install NVM:

It is recommended that you use NVM to install and manage your Node and corresponding npm versions.

  brew install nvm

The node version is documented in .nvmrc. As of this writing, the Node version has been set to 0.10.29.

Install the App


To get started, clone this repo:

  git clone git@github.com:InterActionNGO/ngoaidmap.git


Install Ruby 2.3.1 with rbenv:

  rbenv install 2.3.1


Install Bundler for gem dependencies:

  gem install bundler

Then run install to fetch the dependencies:

  bundle install


Start PostgreSQL:

  brew services start postgresql

Later, you may need to restart or stop PostgreSQL:

  #Restart PostgreSQL
  brew services restart postgresql

  #Stop PostgresQL
  brew services stop postgresql


Start redis:

  brew services start redis

Later, you may need to restart or stop redis:

  #Restart Redis
  brew services restart redis

  #Stop Redis
  brew services stop redis

Config files

Some application configuration should not be checked into source control. You need to create copies to run the app locally.

For the database:

  cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml

After copying the file, leave database.yml as-is and don't bother setting up a local database. We'll use rake to do that automatically soon.

For your environment:

  cp .env.sample .env

Fill in this file as necessary.

Setup the database

We'll use rake to setup the database. This dependency should have been installed when you ran bundle install earlier on.

  bundle exec rake db:create
  bundle exec rake db:migrate
  bundle exec rake db:seed

Install NPM dependencies

We'll use NPM to install Bower and other npm dependencies. All dependency versions are locked to one version and recorded in package.json.

  # If using nvm, npm commands are not available 
  # until you install nvm
  nvm install

  npm install

NPM should have installed everything we need (including Bower). Now that Bower is installed, use it to install further vendor files:

  npm run bower install

These vendor files will install at the directory /public/app/vendor.

Run the app

At this point, the application should be ready to run locally. Start the server:

  bundle exec rails s

Visit http://localhost:3000 in the browser. 🚀

If you ever need to access the Rails console while working, start that with:

  bundle exec rails c


Work with assets in the /app/assets directory. The Rails pipeline will compile the assets as you work in development mode.

Running Tests

