
An easy to use and highly customizable modal popup for the web

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


An easy to use and highly customizable modal popup for the web.


  • Highly customizable
  • Auto resize
  • No need of css files
  • Get notified when a user dismisses a Popapp

Build and installation

Clone the repository

git clone git://github.com/luisobo/Popapp.git
cd Popapp

Build the javascript

cake build

Copy the files to your public dir:

cp -r public/javascript your/public/dir
cp -r public/img your/public/dir

Import the javascript in you html file:

<script src="javascript/compiled/Popapp.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

Basic Usage

Create a new Popapp:

popapp = new Popapp

Set the contents:

popapp.content '<div>Hello! I'm a Popupp!</div>'

Show the popapp:



Subclass PopappDecorator and customize each part of your Popapps! Create new class that pack the customization in a reusable way. Popapp comes with a few:

  • RoundCornersCss3 -- round corners
  • ShadowCss3 -- drop shadow
  • InnerShadowCss3 -- inner shadow

Each Decorator has its own parameters, so the final look of your Popapp it's up to you!

Instantiate the decorator you want to use:

corners = new RoundCornersCss3 '25px'
shadow = new ShadowCss3
inner_shadow = new InnerShadowCss3'

and just make them decorate your Popapp:

popapp.decorate(corners, shadow, inner_shadow)

For customizing a Decorator just set its properties after the instantiation:

shadow = new ShadowCss3

###Creating your own Decorator### You need to subclass PopappDecorator and override these methods:

decorate_popup: (popup)
decorate_close_button: (close_button)
decorate_background: (background)
decorate_content: (content)

each method receive the jQuery element that represents a part of a Popapp

Close handlers

You can be notified when a Popapp is dismissed. You will be able to take actions when a user close a Popapp.

For instance, you can keep track of which users dimissed a certain message.

popapp.on_close (popapp) ->
	#Get the user id from the cookies
	user_id = get_user_id()
	#Get the message id from the Popapp
	message_id = popapp.message_id()
	#Form the url for the request
	url = "url/of/the/request?user_id=#{user_id}&message_id=#{message_id}"
	#Make an ajax request to store the info

The message id is passed to the Popapp alogn with the contents of the message:

popapp.contents '<div>Welcome to my Webapp!</div>', 'welcome_msg'


Building the examples
It's as easy as:

cake build:examples

Running the examples
The first example shows the basic functionality of a Popapp. Just open examples/example1/index.html and take a look.

The second example shows an interaction with a simple server that logs when a user dismisses a Popapp. Run the server and browse the example:

cd examples/example2/server-side
node server.js

Browse http://localhost:8080 and enjoy.

Using Popapp with javascript

The examples provided in this page are written in coffeescript. Of course, you can use it with javascript too. You'll need a couple of var's and semicolons and you are ready to go!

###Dependencies### jQuery