- 1
- 0
luispadron/SnapshotTesting is not found.
#267 opened by hiseri - 1
Help: Customising the ValueKnob?
#259 opened by majeedyaseen - 0
How to animation from two angle?
#262 opened by harifsp - 5
- 0
- 7
- 13
- 1
- 1
Cannot add legacy version via CocoaPods
#257 opened by serkrapiv - 3
xcodebuild: error: Could not resolve package dependencies: Authentication failed because no credentials were provided
#256 opened by shingo-nakanishi - 4
Adding the library via SPM fails
#251 opened by Isuru-Nanayakkara - 1
Update the podspec file to include swiftUI updates
#252 opened by matthew-open - 0
- 0
Size and offset.
#250 opened by jimijon - 1
support of dark mode change inside app
#248 opened by ShaiAlkoby - 1
Add shadow to the ring
#232 opened by pepejeria - 2
Count-down Timer
#247 opened by JoaquinMG - 1
let the timer run even after endTime
#208 opened by danishnaeem57 - 4
Want to add dash style for inner ring
#246 opened by lieudd - 2
- 3
How to get time from UICircularTimerRing?
#231 opened by m-tatsuto - 3
Little proble
#211 opened by baiRookie - 2
- 4
Module compiled with Swift 5.1.3 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.2.4 compiler
#245 opened by psaezcube - 2
Timer and Progress in the same screen
#244 opened by JoaquinMG - 1
Circular Progress with infinite loader
#240 opened by Abhishek9634 - 2
How can I set inner Ring with dash style
#237 opened by lieudd - 7
Gradient color
#238 opened by b7anka - 2
Example code is missing.
#234 opened by wilwet - 1
Crash in some devices iOS Version 12.4.6
#233 opened by R-Ashh - 3
- 1
Animation Problem
#224 opened by lazarvlaovicj - 1
make background view circular instead of square
#228 opened by kagialikos - 1
UICircularProgressRing inside backround color?
#230 opened by colondeethpark - 1
Start circle from top
#229 opened by taimur - 5
Knob : How use it?
#227 opened by MickaelCruzDB - 2
- 4
Ring value not setting up
#222 opened by Scanbird - 1
How to use gradientColor in 6.1.0
#223 opened by changanli - 7
Knob gets clipped by control frame
#218 opened by yarivadam - 1
cannot change font size ot type from storybord
#215 opened by kjoe07 - 1
Documentation Issue
#213 opened by charliefancelli - 5
Value Indicator Format Not Working
#207 opened by xaepstudio - 2
UICircularTimerRing - Anticlockwise progress
#206 opened by AlexFlyce - 1
- 2
UICircularProgressRing does not animate
#204 opened by johnrajahkkd - 2
Simulate Indeterminate State
#203 opened by mazz - 2
can't change indicator value formate
#200 opened by Ajacme - 3