
Movie features, user features

edvbb opened this issue · 10 comments

edvbb commented

Pedro, you use just utility matrix.
Why don't you use movie features, user features?
because the utility matrix gives a more accurate prediction?
or you just looked at an example, without touching movie features, user features?

Hi, I'm not sure I fully understand you. Can you be more explicit about what you are suggesting?

edvbb commented

Or maybe i don't fully understand
I mean there are movie features (genres, actors, etc...) & user fetures (age, gender, etc....).
You don't use these features in your models, am I right?

@edvbb : Now, I see what you mean.

You are correct. We do not use these. Indeed, they may help, but, IIRC, the naive approaches are not as helpful as one would hope.

I'm going to close this as an issue here as it is not a "bug" per se, but feel free to move the discussion to twotoreal (see link above).

edvbb commented

@luispedro i get Server Error (500) trying to regist :(
and with trying to sign in i get "This account is inactive."
please, help to regist

@edvbb For me it worked just fine. Can you try again? Also, which account name did you try to register?

edvbb commented

@wrichert please check it
edvb & edvbb - two accounts
i tryed two times

@edvbb Ok, mail issues have been resolved. You can try to register. Thanks for the patience and sorry for the inconvenience!

edvbb commented

@wrichert yes!)