
web app computers inventory UNAMAD

Primary LanguageGo

GO inventory application OTI

Hi! this is inventory application using dessign pattern MVC

Requirements to run project

Run project

Execute project with next commands:

$ go mod tidy
$ go run .

API Reference

Token by header Authorization

Key Value
Authorization Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5...
fetch(url, {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

Login application

  POST /login
Parameter Type Description
email string Required
password string Required

  • Api users

  GET /api/users/all

  • Api networks

  GET /api/network/all
  GET /api/network/all/resume

  • Api Person

  GET /api/person/:dni
Parameter Type Description
dni int Required. DNI of item to fetch
  GET /api/person/all
PUT /api/person/
	"first_name":"LUIS ANGEL",
	"last_name":"PFUÑO CANALES",
	"address":"JR TEST 222"
Parameter Type Description
dni string Required. DNI to update
first_name string Required
last_name string Required
birthdate string Required
address string Required
POST /api/person
	"first_name":"LUIS ANGEL",
	"last_name":"PFUÑO CANALES",
	"address":"JR TEST 222"
  DELETE /api/person/:dni
Parameter Type Description
dni int Required. DNI to delete

  • Api campus

  GET /api/campus/:id
  GET /api/campus/all
PUT /api/campus
	"name":"put testing",
POST /api/campus
	"name":"put testing",
  DELETE /api/campus/id

  • Api zone

  GET /api/zone/:id
  GET /api/zone/all