
Repository with the project of the Reinforcement Learning course at the Unversity of Trieste (UniTS) (2023-2024).

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Reinforcement Learning Project at the University of Trieste, 2023-2024

Author: Luis Fernando Palacios Flores (MAT. SM3800038)

Master's degree: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (SM38)

Short Description

This project implements the Soft Actor-Critic and Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithms to tackle continuous actions on some Gymnasium environments.

Project Structure

├── env.yaml
├── SAC
│   ├── agent.py
│   └── configs
├── scripts
│   ├── environments_overview.ipynb
│   ├── main.py
│   └── results.ipynb
├── src
│   ├── environment.py
│   ├── networks.py
│   └── utils.py
└── TD3
    ├── agent.py
    └── configs
  • The env.yaml file allows to create a new conda environment with the same packages utilized in this project, paramount to execute this code. To create the environment execute the command:
conda env create -f env.yaml
  • The SAC and TD3 directories contain the implementation of the algorithms (agent.py) and the parameters and hyperparameters utilized are setupped in the config subdirectory for each environment.
  • The main.py contains the code to run the SAC and TD3 algorithms.

How to execute the code?

The code can be executed from the parent directory or the scripts directory. To execute from the parent directory the following command can be used:

python scripts/main.py -env <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> -alg <ALGORITHM>

The options for <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> are:

The options for <ALGORITHM>, of course, are:

  • sac
  • td3

In the scripts subdirectory the execution is as follows:

python main.py -env <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> -alg <ALGORITHM>

Three subdirectories will be created after executing this command:

  • checkpoints to save the models and training data
  • logs to keep track of the hyperparameters utilized
  • results to store the final results

Inside these directories, specific subdirectories are created for each environment.

Link to the slides
