
Repository with the project of the Cloud Computing course at UniTS (2023-2024).

Primary LanguageHTML

The File Storage System implemented is well described in the report (PALACIOSFLORES_report.pdf).

Launching the system

In order to use the file storage system created for this project the following steps can be followed:

  1. Create network: Run ./create_network.sh
  2. Launch Nextcloud: Use docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
  3. Sign-in and install Nextcloud: Access localhost:8080 in your browser.
  4. Enable basic security measurements and nextcloud trusted domain (without this local domain all the load testing functions fail):: Execute ./security_setup.sh
  5. Configure Grafana: Access localhost:3000 in your browser.
    • Log in with default credentials: admin for both user and password.
    • Navigate to Connections > Data Sources > Add data source.
    • Select Prometheus > Settings > Connection. Introduce URL http://localhost:9090.
    • Go to Settings > Build a dashboard > Import a dashboard.
    • Add AlertManager as a Data Source with URL http://alertmanager:9093.
  6. Create users: Run ./create_users.sh
  7. Generate test data for load-testing: Execute ./generate_data.sh
  8. Launch Locust: Use docker-compose -f docker-compose-locust.yml up -d
  9. Load-test with Locust: Access localhost:8089 in your browser.
  10. Delete users: Run ./delete_users.sh


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose