FF Banking App Front - GITFLOW DEMO + FF


1 - Open the file ff.js

2 - Make any changes like add a space into the code. (Simulate that a dev gonna change the code - adding a new feature or fixing or enhancing an existing one)

3 - Instead of commit direct to dev, please click in "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request"

4 - Fill the branch name with this name pattern "feature-"

5 - Open a PR to dev using the link below. (dev branch should be selected in the left side as target branch, and your feature branch in the right as source branch)

Open PR

Wait for the deployment and access your app on http://ff.harness-demo.site/[YourGitUser]/index.html


1 - Go to Harness Software Delivery Demo Account

2 - Select the project GIT FLOW DEMO

3 - Go to Feature Flags Module

4 - Click in Environments

5 - Create an env with your github user name (ex: diegopereiraeng)

6 - Click on the env, create a key, and them create Client-Side token

7 - Save in a safe place this token, We gonna use in the demo at least for the first time...

8 - You are ready to run the demo.


1 - Open the file ff.js

2 - Change the key with your ff key created in the Setup Section.

3 - Instead of commit direct to dev, please click in "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request"

4 - Fill the branch name with this name pattern "feature-"

5 - Open a PR to dev using the link below. (dev branch should be selected in the left side as target branch, and your feature branch in the right as source branch)

Open PR

Wait for the deployment and access your app on http://ff.harness-demo.site//index.html

Build and run:

docker build -t us.gcr.io/playground-243019/cv-demo-ui:$BUILD -f Dockerfile .
docker run -it -p 8000:80 -e STABLE_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8080 -e CANARY_ENDPOINT= us.gcr.io/playground-243019/cv-demo-ui:$BUILD


docker push us.gcr.io/playground-243019/cv-demo-ui:$BUILD