
Ruby on Rails capstone project - App to track hours spent on projects

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby on Rails Capstone Project: Group our transactions

This project was built for mobile screens as part of the Microverse curriculum. The objective is to keep track of the hours you spend on a specific task when working on a project.


  • Users can Log in with proper authentication(email and password), and have a default user profile image that can be updated in the account settings.
  • Users can create a task where you enter the hours spent and can be assigned to a Project.
  • When you click on 'My Hours' you can see a list of your tasks assigned to a specific project and the total hours you registered. This list shows only the tasks created by you.
  • When you click on 'Non Categorised hours' you can see a list of tasks not assigned to a specific project when created and the total hours of those tasks.
  • Inside My Hours and Projects, you can create a new task or Project with the 'Add new' button.
  • Also, you can edit and delete all the tasks and projects created by you. If you delete a Project all the tasks assigned to that project will be deleted as well.

Mobile Views

Account Setting

  • Here you can upload your own profile photo



  • Tasks Index


  • Non Categorised tasks index


  • Projects Index


Built With

  • Ruby v2.6.5
  • Ruby on Rails v6.0.3

Live Demo

Heroku Demo Link

Log in details

user: jhon@gmail.com
password: 123456

Live demo usage

  • Go to Project link and click "Add Group".
  • Go to Clock link and create a new task, insert the hours spent, and assign it to a project.
  • Then you can check all your projects and create tasks in their respective link.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


Ruby: 2.6.5 Rails: 6.0.3


Install gems with:

bundle install

Setup database with:

   rails db:create
   rails db:migrate

Usage after download or clone repository

Start server with:

    rails server

Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

Run tests

    rpsec --format documentation

Future Features

  • Create private projects where a user can invite friends.
  • Friends can accept or decline invitations to collaborate in projects.


👤 Luis Saavedra

🤝 Contributing

This is a project for educational purposes only. We are not accepting contributions.

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