
Nginx Virtual Host traffic monitoring Munin plugin

Primary LanguageShell

Nginx Virtual Host traffic monitoring munin plugin

You need to log all the Virtual Hosts in the same access file

Filtering and accounting is done by logtail and awk so it has to be efficient
with large logfiles and busy sites.


Install logtail
(Avaliable in most distributions)

Add the following lines in your nginx.conf

log_format        main '"$remote_addr" $host [$time_local] '
                  '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                  '$request_length $bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                  '"$http_user_agent" $request_time "$gzip_ratio"';

Configure in your munin-node config file:

/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-conf in Debian

group adm	#Set a group with read access to the access log

# List the virtual hosts to monitor
env.vhosts example.com example.net example.edu

# Define the path to the access log
env.logdir = /var/log/nginx
env.flogfile = access.log

# Aggregate subdomains
# ex: example.com will match www.example.com, webmail.example.com *.example.com
env.aggregate true #change to false to disable aggregation

Restart munin-host:
on debian:
/etc/init.d/munin-host restart

Wait 5 minutes for graphs

Check the source code for more info

Copyright (c) 2010, Joan Perez i Cauhe