- You need to install the Microsoft .NET SDK 8 available at https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download
- This solution was tested with version 8.0.6
- Fill .env file (you can copy or adapt from .env.sample if you want to run things locally)
- Run the database with Docker
- Update the database by running the current migrations
- You need to install (once) the tools for running migrations
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- To create a new migration you can do
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName
- To update the database you can do
dotnet ef database update
- Roles: Admin, Normal
- User: root@example.com, Password: root (Admin)
- User: normal@example.com, Password: normal (Normal)
- Permissions:
- Sample Feature 1 (Normal and Admin)
- Sample Feature 2 (Normal and Admin)
- Sample Admin Feature (Admin)
- Never push the .env file to git
docker compose up --build database
will allow you to create a local database for you to work
- The docker compose containers for the frontend and api are not working yet!