
A library to create pages that slide on button clicks.


No special installation required


HTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery)


To use, create a div tag with the class-name .slide-container

    <div class="slide-container"></div>

All divs containing elements for the slide pages should be put between the above div tag and must have the attribute slide equating to a valid number

    <div class="slide-container">
        <div slide="1"></div>
        <div slide="2"></div>

The starting slide can be set by adding a current-slide attribute to the .slide-container, if not set, it is automatically set as 1

    <div class="slide-container" current-slide="2">
        <div slide="1"></div>
        <div slide="2"></div>

Next and Previous buttons must be placed directly inside div tag to take effect, and must have IDs of Next and Previous respectively

    <div class="slide-container" current-slide="2">
        <div slide="1">
            <button id="Previous"> Previous </button> <button id="Next"> Next </button>
        <div slide="2">
            <button id="Previous"> Previous </button> <button id="Next"> Next </button>

Previous buttons are hidden on the first slide (on mobile devices) and on even-numbered slides (on desktop devices)

Next buttons are hidden on the last slide (on mobile devices) and on odd-numbered slides (on desktop devices)

Editting Preset Scripts And Styles

Caution : Script is fragile and be handled with care. Editting should be avoided until extremely necessary.

Stylesheet can be editted to effect on button display incase of change or need.


Pull requests are appreciated, and will be reviewed. If everything works well, it will be accepted and merged.