
A simple python scrapper to get satellite images of Africa, Europe and Oceania's weather using the Sat24 website

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A simple python script to extract Sat24 satellite images of Africa, Europe and Oceania's weather.

The images will have a 15 minute refresh interval. You have to update the images by hand. Refer to Controls.


numpy (tested on version 1.19.1)
opencv2 (tested on version
pillow (tested on  version 7.2.0)
requests (tested on version 2.24.0)

To install the requirements run (this will install the versions above):

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

A virtual environment is recommended to avoid overriding any existing versions.


Run python3 src/main.py --help for a list of parameters.

You can use the following parameters:

  • --africa to show images for the African Continent
  • --europe to show images for the European Continent
  • --oceania to show images of Oceania
  • A combination of the previous ones to load multiple continents at the same time

Images may take some time to load.

While application is running:

Press u to update all images. This may take a while.

Press ESC to exit the application

Example Images

The following images will be displayed:


Sat24 infrared image


Sat24 rain image


Sat24 visible image

Fix me!

The downloaded images are automatically converted to gray.
This is an unintended "feature". Work in progress...

Additional info

  • Oceania will only show Infrared and visible. Sat24 does not support rain for Oceania.

  • The images present in this repository may be subject to copyright