
Puppet module for Bacula management

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Puppet module for managing Bacula.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview - What is the bacula module?


This module is intended to be used to manage the Bacula backup system configuration. Bacula is a high-performance, enterprise-grade backup system. Currently only the client configuration is supported.


Client parameters

class { bacula::client }
  • bacula_fd_pass: the bacula FD (client service) password
  • bacula_mon_pass: the bacula Mon password
  • bacula_fd_name: the name of the client (FD), defaults to ${hostname}-fd
  • bacula_fd_port: the FD port to be used, default is 9102
  • bacula_dir_name: the bacula DIR (server) name, default is bacula-dir
  • bacula_mon_name: the bacula Mon (monitoring tray agent) name, default is to bacula-mon
  • max_concurrent_jobs: the maximum number of allowed concurrent jobs, default is 1

Server parameters

class { bacula::server }
  • bacula_db_pass: the bacula DB password
  • bacula_dir_pass: the bacula Director password
  • bacula_sd_pass: the bacula Storage Daemon (SD) password
  • bacula_mon_pass: the bacula Mon password
  • bacula_dir_name: [optional] the bacula Director name, default is bacula-dir
  • bacula_dir_port: [optional] the bacula Director port, default is 9101
  • bacula_dir_address: [optional] the bacula Director hostname, default is localhost
  • bacula_sd_name: [optional] the bacula SD name, default is bacula-sd
  • bacula_sd_port: [optional] the bacula SD port, default is 9103
  • bacula_mon_name: [optional] the bacula Mon name, default is bacula-mon,
  • bacula_db_host: [optional] the bacula DB host, default is
  • bacula_db_name: [optional] the bacula DB name, default is bacula
  • bacula_db_user: [optional] the bacula DB username, default is bacula
  • dbi_mysql: [optional] set this to true to enable the MySQL engine, default is true
  • dbi_postgresql: [optional] set this to true to enable the Postgresql engine, default is false
  • root_db_pass: [optional] the root DB password, default is undef. You need to set the password when installing the Bacula DB for the first time in a host
  • old_root_db_pass: [optional] the old DB password, default is undef, needed when you want to change an existing DB password
  • catalog_job_def: [optional] the job def used for the catalog, default is DefaultJob
  • bconsole_template: [optional] used to specify a custom bconsole configuration template
  • bacula_dir_template: [optional] used to specify a custom bacula director configuration template
  • bacula_sd_template: [optional] used to specify a custom storage daemon configuration template
  • job_defs: hash containing the job definitions
  • filesets: hash containing the fileset definitions
  • clients: hash containingthe clients definitions
  • storage: hash containing the storage area definitions
  • pools: hash containing the pool definitions
  • max_concurrent_jobs: [optional] the maximum number of allowed concurrent jobs, default is 1
  • mail_from: [optional] the from header of the mail notifications, default is '(Bacula) <%r>'
  • mail_to: [optional] the recipient of the mail notifications, default is root@localhost
  • db_install: controls the installation of the DB if the db host is localhost, defaults to True
  • mysql_server_options: [optional] optional hash of parameters for mysql

Web interface (webacula) parameters

class { bacula::web }
  • db_pass: the bacula DB password
  • db_user: [optional] the bacula db user, deafult is bacula
  • db_name: [optional] the bacula db name, default is bacula
  • db_host: [optional] the bacula DB host, default is localhost
  • sudo: [optional] use sudo in contacting bacula services, default is false
  • bacula_web_template: custom template for webacula
  • auth_user_file: custom auth user file

Hash definitions

Job definitions

The job definitions are the main structure to define backup and restore jobs. The job_defs has the following structure:

$job_defs = { jobname => { option => value } }

Jobname is a custom job name. The following options are accepted:

  • backup: the backup job name
  • client: the client name
  • fileset: the fileset name
  • level: [optional] the backup level, default is Incremental
  • messages: [optional] the messages type, default is Standard
  • pool: the pool name
  • priority: [optional] the job priority, default is 10
  • restore: the restore job name
  • schedule: the schedule name, currently only WeeklyCycle is supported
  • storage: the storage name

Filesets definitions

The filesets define the list of files to be backed up or restored during a job. The filesets has the following structure:

$filesets = { fileset_name => { option => value } }

Fileset_name is a custom file name. The following options are accepted:

  • include: a list of file paths to include in the fileset, like ['/etc', '/var']
  • exclude: a list of file paths to exclude from the fileset, like ['/boot', '/proc']

Client definitions

The clients hash is used to describe the backup clients. The hash structure is:

$clients = { client_name => { option => value } }

The supported options are:

  • address: the hostname of the client
  • port: [optional] the FD port, default is 9102
  • password: the FileDaemon password
  • file_retention: [optional] the retention time for files, default is 30 days
  • job_retention: [optional] the retention time for jobs, default is 6 months

Storage definitions

The storage hash is used to describe the storage devices. The hash structure is:

$storage = { storage_name => { option => value } }

The supported options are:

  • address:
  • port: [optional] the SD port, default is 9103
  • password: the SD password
  • device: a name describing the storage device
  • archive_device: the path to the archive device
  • media_type: [optional] the media type, default is File

Pool definitions

The pools hash describes the storage pools. The hash structure is:

$pools = { pool_name => { option => value } }

The supported options are:

  • volume_retention: [optional] the volume retention time, defaul is 1 year
  • max_vol_bytes: [optional] the maximum size of the volumes
  • max_vols: [optional] the maximum number of volumes
  • next_pool: [optional] the next pool name
  • storage: [optional] the storage name of the pool



This is a simple example to configure the bacula client, using the password PASS.

Using the bacula client module

class { 'bacula::client':
    fdpass => 'PASS',

Example configuration of a bacula server:

  • to configure the bacula client, using the password PASS.

Using the bacula client module

$clients  = {
              'host1'  => {
                           'address' => 'host1.example.com',
                           'password' => 'FDpass',
                           'file_retention' => '20 days',
                           'job_retention' => '2 months',
              'host2'  => {
                           'address' => 'host2.example.com',
                           'password' => 'FDpass',
                           'file_retention' => '20 days',
                           'job_retention' => '2 months',

$storage  = {
              'File'    => {
                            'address' => 'pc-ads-03.roma1.infn.it',
                            'password' => 'BaculaSDBackup',
                            'device' => 'FileStorage',
                            'archive_device' => '/bacula/file/data',
              'Scratch' => {
                            'address' => 'pc-ads-03.roma1.infn.it',
                            'password' => 'BaculaSDBackup',
                            'device' => 'ScratchStorage',
                            'archive_device' => '/bacula/scratch/data',

$pools    = {
              'Default' => {
                            'volume_retention' => '365 days',
                            'next_pool' => 'File',
              'File'    => {
                            'volume_retention' => '20 days',
                            'max_vol_bytes' => '50G',
                            'max_vols' => '100',
                            'next_pool' => 'Scratch',
              'Scratch' => {
                            'volume_retention' => '20 days',
                            'max_vol_bytes' => '50G',
                            'max_vols' => '100',
                            'storage' => 'Scratch',

$job_defs = {
             'job1' => {
                        'backup'   => 'BackupHost1',
                        'restore'  => 'RestoreHost1',
                        'client'   => 'host1-fd',
                        'fileset'  => 'Workstation1',
                        'schedule' => 'WeeklyCycle',
                        'storage'  => 'File',
                        'pool'     => 'File',
             'job2' => {
                        'backup'   => 'BackupHost2',
                        'restore'  => 'RestoreHost2',
                        'client'   => 'host2-fd',
                        'fileset'  => 'Workstation2',
                        'schedule' => 'WeeklyCycle',
                        'storage'  => 'File',
                        'pool'     => 'File',

$filesets = {
              'Workstation1' => { 'include' => [ '/home', '/etc' ] },
              'Workstation2' => {
                                  'include' => [ '/var', '/etc' ],
                                  'exclude' => [ '/var/log' ],

class { 'bacula::server':
    catalog_job_def => 'host1',
    job_defs        => $job_defs,
    filesets        => $filesets,
    clients         => $clients,
    storage         => $storage,
    pools           => $pools,
    bacula_dir_pass => 'bacula_dir_pass',
    bacula_sd_pass  => 'bacula_sd_pass',
    bacula_mon_pass => 'bacula_mon_pass',
    bacula_db_user  => 'bacula',
    bacula_db_pass  => 'bacula_db_pass',
    mail_to         => 'root@example.com',
    max_concurrent_jobs => 10,
    old_root_db_pass => undef,
    root_db_pass     => 'db_pass',

class { 'bacula::web':
    db_user => 'bacula',
    db_pass => 'bacula_db_pass',
    auth_user_file => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/webacula.users'


  • Only mysql is currently supported


Release Notes


New parameters to control mysql


Added support for bacula server


  • Initial version