
Documentation for Hellofresh case study

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Hellofresh Case Study

Data Engineering

To prepare the analysis, we perform the following steps:

  • Perform exploratory analysis on raw data
  • Convert TXT file to CSV
  • Engineer new data frame and export file to CSV

Raw Columns and Description

The raw data frame contains the following columns:

col_name unique_values description (preliminary) UOM (preliminary)
expected_arrival_date 1528 order ETA datetime
distribution_center ['SY', 'GR', 'VE', 'CB', 'NW', 'MP'] procurement HUBs 1
week 36 week number 1
supplier 136 order supplier 1
sku_id 784 product sku (not unique to suppliers) 1
sku_name 772 product name 1
product 226 product description 1
unit_price_loc 417 unit price in local currency [currency]/unit
item_quantity 4315 order quantity unit/order
order_type ['Regular', 'Emergency'] order type 1
unit_weight_value 92 unit weight [UOM]/unit
unit_weight_uom ['g', 'gram', 'grams'] unit weight UOM 1
country ['AU', 'UK', 'DE'] country of origin 1
currency ['AUD', 'GBP', 'EUR'] currency symbol [currency]
to_eur [0.61, 1.17, 1.0] conversion rate EUR/[currency]
sku_category ['PTN', 'PRO', 'DAI'] product category 1

Notes on the raw data:

  • The order type can be described as a boolean value
  • German values are translated into English
  • We omit columns without useful information, e.g. the column "unit_weight_uom" or "expected_arrival_date"
  • Products are categorized into dairy products, processed products or proteins
  • The first tag in the "product" column seems to be the most important

Engineered Columns and Description

The engineered data frame contains the following columns:

col_name unique_values
country ['UK', 'DE', 'AU']
distribution_center ['GR', 'VE', 'CB', 'SY', 'MP', 'NW']
order_price_eur 11533
order_size 4315
order_type ['Regular', 'Emergency']
order_weight_kg 6999
sku_category ['PTN', 'DAI', 'PRO']
sku_id 784
sku_name 768
sku_price_eur 660
sku_price_eur_per_kg 881
sku_tags 226
sku_weight_g 92
supplier_name 136
week 36
sku_count 91
sku_count_rank 784
new_supplier [1, 0]
sku_main_tag 74

The (transposed) describe method returns:

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
order_price_eur 13526 6019.246106 9674.990489 0.1872 573.156 2000 7295.28585 133128
order_size 13526 7709.846518 17083.60225 2 320 1414 6660 275400
order_weight_kg 13526 1294.599583 2716.356409 0.36 90.9125 340.5 1344 50688
sku_price_eur 13526 1.987639 1.502323 0.0061 0.6786 1.8018 2.9952 12.56
sku_price_eur_per_kg 13526 6.892391 5.102869 0.055556 4.4928 6.1 7.93 125.904
sku_weight_g 13526 324.082803 210.536455 8 150 300 450 1500
sku_count 13526 60.081177 58.896358 1 16 38 85 238
sku_count_rank 13526 151.431096 164.43608 1 26 86 229 784
new_supplier 13526 0.010055 0.099771 0 0 0 0 1

Note that there is a high correlation between product weight and local product price.

Analysis and Data Visualization

The data analysis and visualization is performed in a jupyter notebook and Tableau.