Cereal Shopping Calculator

Coding challenge from Superfiliate. Challenge prompt

Authored by @luiz-cesar

Project contains server and API logic. Core business logic is present at controllers/cart.ts


Download npm and node. Run npm install from root directory.


Run npm start from the root directory. Use postman or some other HTTP tool to send a GET request to localhost:8080/cart with a JSON body following this pattern

  "cart": {
    "reference": "2d832fe0-6c96-4515-9be7-4c00983539c1",
    "lineItems": [
      { "name": "Peanut Butter", "price": "39.0", "collection": "BEST-SELLERS" },
      { "name": "Banana Cake", "price": "34.99", "collection": "DEFAULT" },
      { "name": "Cocoa", "price": "34.99", "collection": "KETO" },
      { "name": "Fruity", "price": "32", "collection": "DEFAULT" }

You should see a result like this in the response body

    "items": [
            "name": "Cocoa",
            "price": 34.99,
            "collection": "KETO",
            "finalPrice": 34.99
            "name": "Peanut Butter",
            "price": 39,
            "collection": "BEST-SELLERS",
            "finalPrice": 35.1
            "name": "Banana Cake",
            "price": 34.99,
            "collection": "DEFAULT",
            "finalPrice": 31.49
            "name": "Fruity",
            "price": 32,
            "collection": "DEFAULT",
            "finalPrice": 28.8
    "total": 130.381

Running tests

Run npm test from the root directory. A test case with the same data from the section above was added.