
Combine movie to watch together, built with ReactJS and Laravel.

Primary LanguagePHP

Welcome to movie-match


Find the Perfect Movie with a Swipe!

  • Receive match event via websocket
  • Continues from the film that left off in the room
  • Does not allow opening the same room in other browser tabs
  • Routine for deleting unused rooms



  1. Clone the project
  git clone https://github.com/luiz-moura/movie-match.git
  1. Install and start
  1. Start the queue
  make queue
  1. Start the reverb (websocket)
  make reverb
  1. Run npm-dev
  make npm dev

Project listen in port http://localhost:80

Set your TMDB_TOKEN in your .env file. You can get an API key here. Make sure to use the "API Read Access Token (v4 auth)" from the TMDb dashboard.


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