Ignite Fleet

GCP Google Cloud Platform requirements

It requires a account and project created in the GCP.

On the GCP Console follow these steps:

Oauth consent screen

Project => APIs and services => OAuth consent screen => Publishing status

make sure thats is published.


Project => APIs and services => Credentials

here it will need 3 OAuth 2.0 Clients credentials for each enviroment Android, IOS and Web

  • Android
    • Follow the standard creation recommendations, the SHA-1 fingerprint can be found on this Sha-1 fingerprint.
  • IOS
    • Follow the standard creation requirements
  • Web
    • Follow the standard creation requirements, this credential will be used by the library @react-native-google-signin/google-signin.

Take each OAuth client_id and fill its respective Enviroment Variable following the Envs instructions.


Project => APIs and Services => ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES => Maps SDK for Android => Enable

Project => APIs and Services => Credentials => CREATE CREDENTIALS => API key It will create a generic API key to access, you can manage what application or APIs this key can access on => Actions => Edit API key

Sha-1 fingerprint

    cd android && ./gradlew signinReport && cd ..

MongoDB Atlas requirements

Login => Create Project or Select the desired project

  • Create a cluster
    • Deployment => Database => Data Services => Build a Database
    • For this project the free tier covers.
    • Continue the process with the defaults options.
    • If there is not a access account registered it will be requested to create one. (You can access this late at Security => Quickstart section)
  • Create a App Service
    • Deployment => App Services => Create a new App
    • It should identify the previous cluster created.
    • Change the cluster / App Name / App Deployment as your need fits or just following with the defaults.
    • With this process finished follow the next steps.
  • Config Custom JWT
    • Deployment => Database => Data Services => open the application created previously
    • Navigate to Authentication => Custom JWT Authentication (row) => Edit
    • Enable the Provider switch
    • Check the option Use a JWK URI
    • Fill the JWK URI input with https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs
    • Add the following metadata
      Required Path Field Name
      true email email
      true name name
      true picture pictureUrl
    • On the Audience input field, insert the Android, IOS and web GCP client_id separated by commas. And check the options Any og these audiences
    • Save the Draft
    • Them click on REVIEW DRAFT & DEPLOY => DEPLOY

now the Custom JWT Authentication should be enabled.

  • Network Access

    • Navigate to Data Services => Network Access => + ADD IP ADDRESS
    • Click on Allow access from anywhere
    • Confirm
  • MongoDB Atlas App Id env

    • Navigate to App Service => open the desired application and the copy the App ID value:
    • Then assign it to REALM_APP_ID env.

Cloud DB Sync (Mongo Atlas)

Create the cloud DB and turn on Device sync with Development Mode

  • Navigate to App Services => select the project => Build => Device Sync => Start Syncing
  • Continue to sync
  • Sync type => Flexible
  • Enable Development Mode
  • Define a Database name
  • Enable Sync
  • Select the User can read and write all data role
  • On top notification => Review Draft and Deploy
  • Deploy


Due my lack of knowledge of the Envs best practices with react-native/expo and the lack of consistency of the new native support for Envs on Expo and typescript, I decided to stick to the common solution using the react-native-dotenv to have access to the Envs in the development enviroment from a .env file (there is a sample .env.example file with the Envs required on this project), to make it work with EAS just declare the Envs in the eas.json config file to each build profile needed.