Desafio Serasa Experien


Make sure the following applications are installed and are set in the enviromental path:

  • Terraform
  • Ansible

Export your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY as environment variables, and run aws configure to complete setup:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access-key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret-key>


  • Terraform + Ansible
  • App in node.js "Bem vindo Luiz Carlos Nascimento Junior!"

Files and Directories:

├── ansible
│   ├── key (add your key pair here)
│   ├── nginx
│   |   └── Dockerfile
│   |   └── nginx.conf
│   └── ansible.cfg
│   └── hosts
|   └── provisioning.yml
├── app
│   └── Dockerfile
│   └── index.js
│   └── package.json
├── terraform
|   ├──
|   ├──
├── Doc

Tools Used:

Terraform: To compile, validate, fmt, plan, apply and destroy,

terraform validate
terraform fmt
terraform plan
terraform graph
terraform apply
terraform destroy


  • Application in node.js
  • I created the application image 'challenge-serasa:1.0.0', I published the image on dockerhub. (thecalifornia16/desafio-serasa:1.0.0)
  • In the 'app' folder you have the 'index.js' file in case you want to change something and the 'Dockerfile' for building the application.

Getting started

TERRAFORM - Creating the infrastructure on AWS

Note: Before starting the infrastructure creation, validate that you already have a key pair in AWS, if in doubt follow the link to create a key pair

  • With the key Pairs created, change line 140 in the file '' inside the 'terraform' folder. (Ex.: 'acesso-serasa')

    key_name = "acesso_serasa" #Enter your Key Pairs AWS

  • After modification copy your key pairs into the folder 'ansible -> key' (Files and Directories)

To run the application, simply execute the following command in the 'terraform' folder:

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply 

Terraform will create all the resources in AWS, you can then use ansible-playbook to deploy applications and docker.

ANSIBLE - Installation and Configuration of applications in the environment

Note: Once the infrastructure provisioning is complete, will display in the output the 'publicIp' for access to the server, get the IP and add it to the 'hosts' file inside the 'ansible' folder to run the playbook on the server.

[webserver]    #Here you put the 'publicIp' that came in the terraform output or your EC2 that was created in AWS

Ansible-playbook: To run it, go to the "ansible" folder:

Ex.: ansible-playbook provisioning.yml -u ubuntu --private-key key/acesso-serasa.pem -i hosts
ansible-playbook provisioning.yml -u ubuntu --private-key key/<your private key>.pem -i hosts

References HTTPS


  • Luiz Carlos Nascimento Junior