
Weather is a small project that fetches photos and weather from two APIs:

The minimum iOS version supported is 13.0.


Since it's a small project, I decided to use the MVC approach, but not the way we see around there.

  • The View classes (for example the MainView) has all the UI components.
  • The ViewController classes manages the data that is shown in the view and communicates with the Services classes. ViewControllers also conforms to Protocols created for them. The idea is to inject the dependencies that the class will need. Also it helps when developing the unit tests.
  • I used the ViewCode approach, so there aren't storyboard files. Except for the LaunchScreen.storyboard.
  • There's also a simple Coordinator that creates the coordinates the first ViewController that needs to be shown.
  • I created an Environment class that gets the API Server and API Key from the project's file, that are under Build Settings > User-Defined. This approach is helpful when there's Staging and Production environments and we can easily change the environment just changing the scheme.
  • Code coverage is at 74% the last time I tested.

Running the project

I like to use Gemfiles to manage Ruby dependencies (CocoaPods and Fastlane).

If you have Bundler installed, follow these steps:

  1. In the project's folder, run bundle install.
  2. Then, run bundle exec pod install.
  3. Done! 🎉

If Bundler isn't installed, just run pod install in the project's folder to install CocoadPods's dependencies.

Then, open weather.xcworkspace file.

Other informations

Reviewing this project I noticed that I could've used git flow but I didn't thought about it when I started it, probably because it was a small project and it was just me pushing the changes.