The intention of this study repo, is to reinforce knowledge in Relational Databases, using SQL, aiming towards learning PostgresSQL, once it's going to be the main DBMS used on TT003/ST060 - Advanced Topics in Databases discipline @UNICAMP. It will be my final discipline in college, so I want to be prepared to face all challenges that are about to come, even though they are hard or not. The study roadmap that's being used is: DBR using SQL w/ MySQL, DBOR using PostGresSQL, and finally, MongoDB as a NoSQL solution. My final goal is to apply the Database knowledge acquired in this study effort to API building and Data Analysis/AI tasks

During this studies, MySQL was the chosen DBMS, so the code syntax found here is all related to MySQL.

You'll find several repositories, using SQL commands and principles like: Creating/Deleting Tables; Updating tables; Inserting data into tables; Primary and Foreign Key uses; Types of Joins uses; use of booleans and conditionals; Ordering values; Normalization (1NF, 2NF, 3NF); Aggregate functions and Subqueries.
