
React framework for inter-component communication with drag and drop interactions. Simple, extendable, and can look good as heck.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Swash is a React framework for drag and drop interactions.
It provides utilities for passing data between components using drag and drop.

DISCLAIMER: This is very work in progress. The API is not stable and may change at any time.

How does this work?

Main interactions

Swash has two main building blocks: the Draggable and DragReceiver components.

Swash provides a Draggable component that wraps the component you want to make draggable. Swash also provides a DragReceiver component that receives Swash drag events.

Each draggable provides a DraggableContext to its children, which can be used to set a payload that will be passed to the DragReceiver whenever the Draggable interacts with it.

A DragReceiver can receive callbacks for properties such as onSwashDragEnter. These callbacks will receive payloads from the draggable that is currently interacting with the DragReceiver.

Replying to draggables

The callbacks passed to DragReceiver can also reply to the draggable using the event's reply method. This method can be used to send a payload to the draggable, which may handle it if the onReply property is provided.

Creating custom payloads

Swash payloads are type-safe. To create a new payload type, you can extend the Payload generic class like this:

export class PersonPayload extends Payload<Person> {}

You will then be able to construct a new PersonPayload passing a value of type Person to its constructor.

You can check which payload type was received in an event using the instanceof operator.

Displaying ghosts

Whenever a draggable is being dragged, it is removed from the layout it was in. This can be a problem if you want to preserve the space it was occupying, or if you want to make a smooth layout transition.

For such cases, Draggable has a ghost property so you can specify a React Node to be rendered in the Draggable's original location while it is being dragged.

Ghost nodes can use the GhostContext, which provides the ghost node with the draggable's last dimensions before it was removed from the layout.


Documentation with proper examples is still not available, but everything exported in the module has JSDoc comments.

Please be patient, I'll make examples as soon as I can.