Predicts customer churn based on a series of features already defined in the code. I'm authoring only the code: the model is pre-built and from a jupyter notebook.
- The library is within
- The tests are run at
- The constant file provides names for categorical columns and features used to train the model with
- A sample data file is present at /data
- A skimmed sample data for unit tests is available at /tests/data
- A pre-built, secure image can be found at luizfnunesmarques/churn_prediction:
docker pull luizfnunesmarques/churn_predictions:1.0
. - The tests are the entrypoint of the image i.e.
docker run churn_prediction
will run all the tests. - The image can be also be used as a host for development by running the container mounted with a local directory:
docker run -it --rm -v <project_path>:/app churn_predictions /bin/sh
. - (optional for vscode users) The dev container extension is a superb companion when using the pre-built image
- The target python version is 3.8.18
- Dependencies can be installed by running pip3 install -r requirements_py3.8.txt