

Solving gradlew permission denied problem

run in a terminal inside project directory the following command

chmod +x gradlew

How to execute tests

run in a terminal inside project directory the following command

./gradlew test

This task will run all unit tests and generates a html report from jacoco coverage task in located at:
/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html can open with browser to see details

Current unit test coverage is 90%
The tasks are configured at build.gradle file

How to run the application

run in a terminal inside project directory the following commands

./gradlew clean build
docker build -t authorizer .
docker run -i -t authorizer

How to use

Paste the stdin in the terminal that is running the app
{ "account": { "activeCard": true, "availableLimit": 100 } }
{ "account": { "activeCard": true, "availableLimit": 300 } }
{ "transaction": { "merchant": "Burger King", "amount": 20, "time": "2019-02-13T10:00:00.000Z" } }

Always put an a new empty line ("\n") in the end of stdin when there are more than 1 line in it
Quit: press CTRL + C

Used Libs

JACKSON - Used to parse stdin to specific objects

JUNIT 5 - Used in unit tests

KTLINT - An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter.