API REST For a Food Delivery System


About the project

The project consist in a API REST for a delivery food.

The Orders can have 4 possible status.

  • Pending;
  • Accepted;
  • Delivered;
  • Canceled;

The Orders have 9 methods.

  • Show ALL Orders ordered by id;
  • Show all Orders PENDING ordered by moment ASC;
  • Show all Orders ACCEPTED ordered by moment ASC;
  • Show all Orders DELIVERED ordered by moment ASC;
  • Show all Orders CANCELED ordered by moment ASC;
  • Insert a NEW ORDER;
  • Change OrderStatus to ACCEPTED;
  • Change OrderStatus to DELIVERED;
  • Change OrderStatus to CANCELED;

The Producs have 2 methods;

  • Show ALL Products ordered by PRICE DESC;
  • Insert a NEW PRODUCT;

In this project i put in pratice my knoledge about:

  • Java;
  • Spring Boot;
  • Jpa;
  • H2;
  • PostGreSql;
  • MVC;
  • Relational Object Mapping;

Conceptual Model


Layers Patterns


How to run the project

Prerequisites: Java 11

# clone repository
git clone https://github.com/luizjhonata/backendjotafood

# enter in the back end project folder
cd backendjotafood

# run the project
./mvnw spring-boot:run


Jhonata de Souza Luiz
