
Memory game with Stranger Things cast

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Stranger Memory Survey


About the project

Stranger Memory is a game with photos from Stranger Things cast, that i made for a project chalenge during the BootCamp TQI FullStack Developer, ordenade by Digital Innovation One for TQI.

In this project i put in pratice my knoledge about JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5.

The game consist in a memory game, with 16 cards. The game has a title with translate animation, a button for start new game with an effect that makes it look like he was tightened and a scoreboard with your number of moves and all cards has a flip efect when you click them. When you press start new game, the cards are shuffled and the scoreboard is reseted.

Layout web


Tecnologias utilizadas

  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3

How to run the project

  • You can Download all filles in ZIP
  • Extract all files in your computer
  • Open the index.html file with your internet browser


Jhonata de Souza Luiz
