
The application was developed using reactJS with typescript.

Source folder - src


  • Uses BrowserRouter component of react-router-dom for that we can to navigate between pages in our Single Page Application.


  • It's our main component that's gonna be mounted on DOM.


  • Goes insert our main component in div root of html DOM.

pages folder

  • All pages that the app it's gonna need.
  • This pages that will be routed by BrowserRouter component.

components folder

  • All components that we may to reuse now or at the future.

assets folder

  • All images and icons.

Public folder

  • Our html.

QA code

  • I used eslint, prettier and editorconfig for code patterns.
  • In eslint I chooosed airbnb definition.



Confirmed, recovered and deaths cases per country

  • First was created a simple view to show all confirmed, recovered and deaths cases per country.
  • Shows also 2 charts that be explained below on Charts topic.

Covid19 on the world

    • All cases today divided in 3 subtypes: confirmed, recovered and deaths.
    • And all cases with the same types since the beginning of the pandemic.

Ranking - Country with more cases since the beginning

  • Shows all countries ordered by total confirmed cases.

Ranking - Country with more cases today

  • Shows all countries ordered by total confirmed new cases.

Ranking - Country with more death cases since the beginning

  • Shows all countries ordered by total new deaths cases.



  • Using recharts to show datas with charts
  • So usefull library


  1. PieChart
  • Shows the proportional data based on the confirmed cases for selected country.
  1. LineChart
  • Shows three lines. One to confirmed cases, other to recovered and another to death cases.
  • At this chart the data are divided per month for selected country.
  • Will showed when size screen be biggest than 1100px.
  1. StackedBarChart
  • Shows one bar stacked in 3 types: confirmed, recovered or death cases.
  • At this chart the data are divided per month for selected country.
  • Will showed when size screen be snallest than 1100px.

Link to access the app