Mars Robot Code Challenge. In this challange, we have an Java CLI program, developed with Maven/Java 8, in which we have to pass a file name as param.
java -jar target/mars-robot-1.0.jar input.txt
Where input.txt
is a filename containing a list of intems such as: Terrain, Robots and Commands. Are valid commands:
Command | Action |
M | Moves robot foward |
R | Turns robot right |
L | Turns robot left |
Any other charactere is not recognized by our robot as a command, and will results in error!
We should provide an input file and pass its name as argument when run our jar from CLI.
Input file example:
5 5
1 2 N
3 3 E
Input file explanations:
Input line | Explanation |
5 5 | Terrein borders |
1 2 N | First robot initial position |
LMLMLMLMM | First robot commands |
3 3 E | Second robot initial position |
MMRMMRMRRM | Second robot commands |
- The mars Terrain is a world composed by squares, is a matrix setted on the first line of our input file.
- Each robot definition needs two lines, one to set its initial position inside terrain, and other to set the commands
- We can have any number of robots in our input file, but following the required format (two lines, position/commands) is a must.
mvn clean package
This will create a jar
file inside target folder, and it can be executed with:
java -jar mars-robot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar input.txt