
Brain Online REPL based on https://repl.it

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Deprecation notice: This project is no longer actively maintained because we're moving language sandboxes to the server for a faster, complete, and up-to-date implementations. You can use our API.


An online environment for interactively exploring programming languages, based on jsREPL.

Current Languages

  • JavaScript Variants

    • JavaScript
    • CoffeeScript
    • Kaffeine
    • Move
    • JavaScript.next
  • Esoteric

    • Bloop
    • Brainfuck
    • Unlambda
    • Emoticon
  • Classic

    • Quick Basic
    • Forth
  • Serious

    • Scheme
    • Lua
    • Python
    • Ruby (beta)

Getting the Code

git clone git://github.com/replit/repl.it.git
cd repl.it
git submodule update --init --recursive


curl https://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh

Using npm:

npm install coffee-script
npm install -g coffee-script

Using easy_install:

easy_install Pygments

Using pip:

pip install Pygments

Running repl.it

repl.it comes bundled with a static node HTTP file server and a CoffeeScript file watcher & (re)-compiler:

./server.js 8888

repl.it can then be opened at http://localhost:8888/index.html.


repl.it source code is available under the MIT license. However, the repl.it logos and assets represent only Repl.it and should not be used to represent your products. External libraries used in repl.it may use other licenses. Please check each library for its specific license.