
Organize your projects as fast as you build them

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


status-projects repository aims to gather the status of my projects together, once I am having trouble in managing my time versus the amount of projects I have. I am also unable to understand my productivity and my resources, thus ending up never finishing any of them.

Why should you use it?

  • You can visualize better your tasks and projects. So do others!
  • Status Projects is right inside your GitHub and even better, right inside your Markdown files.
  • You can work directly from your favourite Web Browser.
  • It's better for working on team projects because everyone can spot one's task.
  • It helps you to take decisions.
  • No extra tools required, nor extra logins.

Getting Started

I wrote a very quick guide about how to get started with this project on http://luizperes.github.io/status-projects/, so please take a look at that or open my README.md file on Raw mode. :)

General status of my current Projects

Project Name Status Technology Priority Deadline
Brain Progress C/C++/LLVM Low
Status Projects Progress HTML/MD Low DONE
CS50 Progress C HIGH May 01, 2016
Artoo Editor Progress C Medium
Documentation Swift Progress Swift Medium
Art of Assembly x86 Progress Assembly Medium
Ballsy Progress iOS/Obj-C Low
Stepss Progress Android/Java Low
Project Euler Progress Swift Low
Comic Books Progress iOS/Obj-C Low DONE
Brainfuck Progress C Low DONE
Beezy-bee Progress iOS/Obj-C Low DONE
Fartometer Progress iOS/Obj-C Low DONE

Project Status


To Do In Progress Done
PostIt PostIt PostIt PostIt
PostIt PostIt

Brain Programming

Brain is a programming language made on LLVM based on BrainFuck.

Chart Brain)


CS50 is the first course of Introduction to Computer Science inside the Open Source Society University (OSSU). I am taking this course to get to know the best ways to teach ICC. This course has its priority higher than the others because it is going to be taught up to May 01, 2016.

Chart CS50)

Artoo Editor

Artoo Editor is a text editor for terminals bases on the ncurses library. I am trying to go on this project in slow pace, and despite of not updating this project so much, I put my wrists on this every now and then.

Chart CS50)


I am trying to read and understand all the documentation of the Swift Programming Language book.

Chart CS50)


I am also trying to read and understand all the book Art of Assembly x86 as it should be useful in the future.

Chart CS50)


Ballsy is an iOS game that uses SpriteKit engine. This game is still a mistery for me and I am trying to figure things out before getting back to work on it. I am not sure yet about the game play!

Chart CS50)


Stepss is another mistery for me, even though I work on this project for 2 or 3 months straight, but that was on September, 2015. I need to either continue or stop this project.

Chart CS50)

Project Euler

Project Euler is a compilation of some solutions of the challenges existent in the website www.projecteuler.net. This project is one of my favourite ones, because it deals with hard mathematical/computational problems. The sad thing is that I can only help them after finishing my other projects.

Chart CS50)

Comic Books

Comic Books or ComixGram is an app that transforms any picture into a comic-book-like one. It was made by the students I teach at Cornerstone College.

Chart CS50)

Brainfuck Interpreter

Brainfuck Interpreter is a repository of an interpreter written in C for the esoteric programming language Brainfuck. It's been working quite properly and I also added two new structures to that language. Actually, I am thinking of changing it quite a bit, thus, I might change this repository name in the future... :)

Chart CS50)

Beezy Bee

Beezy Bee is an arcade-style game inspired on "Flappy Bird" made by the students I teach at Cornerstone College. Beezy Bee is meant so far for iOS devices and I helped and guided them to idealize the solution as well as solve the problems that they had while developing this project.

Chart CS50)


Fartometer is my last year's favourite project. This project allows you to see on your iPhone how strong your farts are! The project is basically an Arduino device with a BLE Shield, and if you want, you can also detect any kind of gas in the air by only changing the gas sensor. If you want to get to know how to build your own, please visit: How to build your own fartometer

Chart CS50)


This project extends GNU GPL v. 3, so be aware of that, regarding copying, modifying and (re)destributing.