🎮 A collection of game development algorithms and techniques
- abmBispoTheRealReal
- bitlov3rIran
- BraddssGermany
- BrainOverGames
- christides11Cisco
- csy7749
- daythatidieRussian Federation, Moscow
- EliasMascheParaguay
- Excalibur-109
- fatbeat2000Helsinki
- grigMMoscow
- houshuo
- JazzyLucas@JazzAppsGames & LSI
- JoeWarren95New York City, NY
- JohnTube
- JY-Game
- kiritcc
- ktpttd
- LastAssertorFoshan CN
- leshiystudio
- lucasgmagalhaes@MercadoLibre
- majorikaKorea
- MSylviaBoston, MA
- MurielM87France
- niziulBelém, PA - Brazil
- ParkerJamesPu
- r2d2m
- RanderGabriel@LocomotivaSoftware
- RitaRezGoogle
- snikit
- sponticelliMilan, Italy
- TDogVoidAgile Reaction
- Tuniedunemployed
- unitycoderElomatic Oy
- VytekRome, Italy
- zRayDayz