Lofty CMS

I need to develop many websites projects at T4R SYSTEMS, but them have no platform for develop administration area and don't like use wordpress or similars, because we work with especific situations and clients. So I created this project for help our work, including many features for help like that autentication, uploads, i18n, etc.


I am using AngularJS, Material Design and Polymer for develop all features in frontend.


I am using Laravel 5 for backend.

Getting started


To run this project you need to have:

Step 1 - clone

  • Clone the project

      $ git clone YOU-PROJECT-NAME
  • Enter project folder


Step 2 - Setup Backend

$ composer install
$ cp .env.example .env

enter with your server credentials in .env.

execute migrations for create tables

$ php artisan migrate

execute seeds for populate your tables

$ php artisan db:seed

Step 3 - Setup Frontend

access frontend folder

$ cd public/lofty-front

install npm packages

$ npm install

download bower packages

$ bower install

build frontend files

$ grunt build

If everything goes OK, you can now run the project!


Licensed under the MIT license (see MIT-LICENSE file)