
Faster PhoneGap Template

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Faster PhoneGap Template.

FastGap é um template feito por brasileiros para iniciar o desenvolvimento de apps nativos para smartphones utilizando o PhoneGap.

FastGap is a template created ​​by Brazilians to start developing native apps for smartphones using PhoneGap.

We use:

Zepto.js http://zeptojs.com

TopCoat http://topcoat.io

IScroll: http://cubiq.org/iscroll

Install this packages with bower

if you don't have bower installed run:

[sudo] npm install bower -g

else, only run:

bower install


Apache server for test on your navegator or run in PhoneGap platform and Bower for manage frontend packages.


Licença Creative Commons


Release 1.1 [BETA]

Tutorial - screencast - português
