Este docker utiliza como base o docker oficial do Prestashop, apenas separando a pasta do plugin do Mercado Pago para mapeamento local do volume.


1 - Crie um arquivo chamado .env usando de base o arquivo .env.sample

2 - Defina o path dos arquivos de SSL neste arquivo

3 - No arquivo docker-compose, comente o bloco do mysql caso não precise do banco de dados rodando local

4 - docker-compose up -d --build para executar os containers

5 - Em caso de erro de permissões nos arquivos, executar na pasta do docker: chown -R ubuntu: mercadopago

6 - Depois da instalação, remova a pasta "install" do servidor: docker exec prestashop_app rm -rf install

Local with self signed certificates

In the "certs" folder there's a self-signed key pair.
To add these certs to be accepted by the browser enter the certs folder:
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" myCA.pem

Configuring XDebug local

To run XDebug you need to set the path mappings.\


1 - Go to Preferences > PHP > Servers

2 - Add a server clicking +

3 - Put the following options:

  • Name: localhost
  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 443
  • Check "Use Path mappings"
    • Expand the project folder.
    • Where there's src on the left column, put /var/www/html on the right one
    • Where there's mercadopago on the left column, put /var/www/html/modules/mercadopago on the right one

4 - Click Apply then OK


1 - Install de official Xdebug extension. Serach for: xdebug.php-debug
2 - On the top menu click on Run then Add configuration then select PHP
3 - Put the following config on the list:

  "name": "Listen for Prestashop Docker XDebug",
  "type": "php",
  "request": "launch",
  "port": 9003,
  "pathMappings": {
      "/var/www/html": "${workspaceRoot}/src",
      "/var/www/html/modules/mercadopago": "${workspaceRoot}/mercadopago",
  "log": true
4 - Then on the run tab click `Run`