
A simple Erlang HTTP API

Primary LanguageHTML

This Repo was cloned from https://github.com/novaframework/http_api_demo this is an atempt to config an erlang app to be deployed using Docker.

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A basic Nova HTTP API server demonstrating:

✔️ Routing
✔️ Plugins
❌ Views


Let's start a new project with:

$ rebar3 new nova http_api_demo

If we open ./priv/http_api_demo.routes.erl, we see this:

#{prefix => "",
  security => false,
  routes => [
            {"/", { http_api_demo_main_controller, index}, #{methods => [get]}}
 statics => [
             {"/assets/[...]", "assets"}

This is our basic routing file.

We want to add routes for our CRUD app, let's do that now:

#{prefix => "",
  security => false,
  routes => [
            {"/pet", { http_api_demo_pet_controller, get_pets}, #{methods => [options, get]}},
            {"/pet", { http_api_demo_pet_controller, create_pet}, #{methods => [options, post]}},
            {"/pet/:petid", { http_api_demo_pet_controller, get_pet}, #{methods => [options, get]}},
            {"/pet/:petid", { http_api_demo_pet_controller, update_pet}, #{methods => [options, put]}},
            {"/pet/:petid", { http_api_demo_pet_controller, remove_pet}, #{methods => [options, delete]}}
 statics => [
             {"/assets/[...]", "assets"}

We've added OPTIONS as one of the accepted methods in order to enable CORS preflight. Nova doesn't support CORS out of the box, instead it is insert via a plugin.


Plugins are modules or libraries that you can plug into Nova. They are a behaviour that have a pre and post handler.

Nova has some preexisting plugins in its library:

  • nova_security_plugin: This will handle the security flag that are set in the routing file.
  • nova_correlation_plugin: This will add a uuid(v4) as a x-correllation-id header in the response. It is set in the pre-request so you can use the uuid with all things in your system to track.
  • nova_cors_plugin: Will add CORS headers to your response and handle so that you don't need to manually manage an OPTIONS method in your controller(s).
  • nova_request_plugin: If content-type header is application/json it will do a json decode on the body and add it into controller data.

Let's add some ourself in ./config/sys.config:

{plugins, [
           {pre_http_request, nova_correlation_plugin, #{}},
           {pre_http_request, nova_cors_plugin, #{allow_origins => [<<"http://localhost:5500/">>]}},
           {pre_http_request, nova_request_plugin, #{decode_json_body => true}}

Note that the plugins can take options, like nova_request_plugin automatically decoding JSON bodies.


Our next step is to look at our controller.

Currently, we have standard the templated controller that returns Nova is running!.


index(#{req := #{method := <<"GET">>}} = _NovaReq) ->
    {ok, [{message, "Nova is running!"}]}.

Returning {ok, Value} tells Nova that we are expecting a view.

Lets replace it with our own methods:


create_pet(#{json := #{<<"name">> := Name}}) ->
    Id = list_to_binary(uuid:uuid_to_string(uuid:get_v4())),  
    true = ets:insert(pets, {Id, Name}),
    {json, 201, #{}, #{<<"id">> => Id, <<"name">> => Name}}.

get_pet(#{bindings := #{<<"petid">> := PetId}}) ->
    case ets:lookup(pets, PetId) of
        [] ->
            {status, 404};
        [{PetId, Name}] ->
            {json, 200, #{}, #{<<"id">> => PetId,
                               <<"name">> => Name}}

update_pet(#{bindings := #{<<"petid">> := PetId},
             json := #{<<"name">> := Name}}) ->
    case uuid:is_v4(uuid:string_to_uuid(PetId)) of
        true ->
            true = ets:delete(pets, PetId),
            true = ets:insert(pets, {PetId, Name}),
            {json, 200, #{}, #{<<"id">> => PetId,
                               <<"name">> => Name}};
        false ->
            {status, 400}

remove_pet(#{bindings := #{<<"petid">> := PetId}}) ->
    true = ets:delete(pets, PetId),
    {status, 200}.

get_pets(_) ->
    List = ets:tab2list(pets),
    Body = [#{<<"id">> => Id,
              <<"name">> => Name} ||{Id, Name} <- List],
    {json, 200, #{}, Body}.

Using the bindings and body of our requests, we now have a fully functioning CRUD API against ETS.

To test this start a terminal run rebar3 shell and in another terminal run rebar3 ct.

3 tests should pass. The test files also provides some documentation on how to call our API.

If you would like to experiment against an external frontend, this repo provides a simple HTML file ./client.html. You will need to serve it yourself, and make sure that the config file allows that port via allow_origins in nova_cors_plugin.