
Spring Boot Autoconfiguration for MongoDB and Spring Security with Google OAuth2 JWT

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Spring Autoconfigure

Java API template with Spring Boot, Spring Security for Google OAuth2 JWT and MongoDB database.


# Clone the repository
git https://github.com/luizveronesi/spring-autoconfigure.git

# Navigate to the project directory
cd spring-autoconfigure

# Install dependencies
mvn install
# Docker installation
mvn clean package -f pom.xml -U
docker build . -t spring-autoconfigure-example:latest
docker create --name spring-autoconfigure-example --network your-network --ip x.x.x.x --restart unless-stopped spring-autoconfigure-example:latest bash
docker start tycho-sentence


# Run the application
java -jar target/api.jar


You need to add your MongoDB Credentials at application.yml file, or add them as environment variables, as in the example.

MONGODB_USERNAME: your_username
MONGODB_PASSWORD: your_password
MONGODB_URI: mongodb://

If you change the package structure you need to update the Application.java in bot @ComponentScan and @EnableMongoRepositories annotations.

Endpoint Examples

GET /user/profile

Retrieves the logged user based on the given JWT.

MongoDB Examples

Name Type Description
User.java Entity Representation of user MongoDB collection.
UserRepository Interface MongoRepository interface with persistence methods.
UserCustomRepository Interface Interface for custom persistence methods.
UserRepositoryImpl Class Custom implementation with methods using MongoTemplate and Criteria.

Next steps

Make OpenAPI available using Google JWT.