
Collection of console commands aliases

Primary LanguageBatchfile

Console aliases

Small collection of aliases for commonly used console commands.

tinker      = php artisan tinker
phpmig      = php artisan migrate
phpref      = php artisan migrate:refresh
phpfresh    = php artisan migrate:fresh
phpreset    = php artisan migrate:reset
phproll     = php artisan migrate:rollback $*
phpseed     = php artisan db:seed
cdump       = composer dump-autoload
glt         = gulp test
glw         = gulp watch

unit        = phpunit
group       = phpunit --group=$*
filter      = phpunit --filter=$*
suite       = phpunit --testsuite=$*
Git common
g           = git $*
gs          = git status
gss         = git status -s
Git logging
dog         = git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph
gl          = git log --oneline --graph --decorate  $*
gll         = git log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --numstat
wdiff       = git diff --color-words
gfl         = git log -u
Git stashing
gist        = git stash
gisl        = git stash list
gisa        = git stash apply
gisp        = git stash pop
gisp-sel    = git stash pop stash@{$*}
gisb        = git stash branch $*
giss        = git stash show -p stash@{$*}
Git branching
gb          = git branch
gdev        = git checkout develop
gmas        = git checkout master
gica        = git checkout $*
gicb        = git checkout -b $*
gmer        = git merge --no-ff $*
branchcd    = git branch --sort=-committerdate
branchcdr   = git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/
Git commit
ga          = git add $*
gaa         = git add --all
gc          = git commit
gca         = git commit --amend
gcm         = git commit -m $*
amend       = git add --all && git commit --all --amend
commit      = git add --all && git commit -m $*
save        = git add --all && git commit -m 'Work in progress'
gpp         = git pull && git push
Git undo
nah         = git checkout .
gres        = git reset
gresh       = git reset HEAD --hard
undo-commit = git reset HEAD~1
grev        = git revert
gcln        = git clean -fd
gcln-all    = git clean -fdx
Git rebase
grem        = git rebase master
gred        = git rebase develop
greb        = git rebase $*