ひすい色と金色 エレガント モノグラム ホテルのロゴ

Anonymous job matching, and maximize your appeal by submitting your own PR video! Video LinkedIn at web3.

Users on decentralized networks are security-conscious and tend to be hair-trigger about having their personal and wallet information tied together. Therefore, we propose ZKJob. ZKJob allows users to create resumes, hire, and pay salaries with a single Wallet, all without personal information. This allows users to use ZKJob without knowing their actual names. On the other hand, there is a possibility that people will say that they cannot trust a person whose face they cannot see, but since the system uses an optical color authentication system, it is impossible to counterfeit. In addition, clients can use the system with confidence because their past history can be verified on the platform.


run npm i

run npx prisma migrate dev

run npx prisma generate client