
A file system abstraction for Node.js.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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A file system abstraction for Node.js     |___/

Test License: MIT

A simple abstraction to interact with file system inspired by Laravel File System, provide one interface for many kind of drivers: local, ftp, sftp, Amazon S3, and Google Cloud Storage, even your custom driver.


$ yarn add @file-storage/core @file-storage/common

# Or npm
$ npm install @file-storage/core @file-storage/common

And upload a file to local, it will be stored in storage folder in your root project directory by default:

import Storage from '@file-storage/core';

// Upload from file path.
Storage.put('/my-image.png', '/path/of/destination/my-image.png');

// Or from a read-stream/buffer:
Storage.put(stream, '/path/of/destination/my-image.png');


By default only local driver is supported. To use another driver, you need to install corresponding package:

  • Amazon S3: yarn add @file-storage/s3
  • FTP: yarn add @file-storage/ftp
  • SFTP: yarn add @file-storage/sftp
  • Google Cloud Storage: yarn add @file-storage/gcs

If there is no configuration, it will uploads to local disk. You can specific yours by using config method:

import Storage from '@file-storage/core';
import S3Driver, { S3DiskConfig } from '@file-storage/s3';
import LocalDriver, { LocalDiskConfig } from '@file-storage/local';

const localDisk: LocalDiskConfig = {
  driver: LocalDriver,
  name: 'local',
  root: 'public',

const s3Disk: S3DiskConfig = {
  driver: S3Driver,
  name: 'mys3',
  bucketName: 'mybucket',
  // Uncomment if you want specify credentials manually.
  // region: 'ap-southeast-1',
  // credentials: {
  //   accessKeyId: '123abc',
  //   secretAccessKey: '123abc',
  // },

  // Default disk that you can access directly via Storage facade.
  defaultDiskName: 'mys3',
  diskConfigs: [localDisk, s3Disk],

// Somewhere in your code...
// Get file from s3:

Unique file name

Enable unique file name to prevent a file get replaced when uploading same file (or same name). The unique name generated by uuid to secure your file path.

  uniqueFileName: true,

// The uploaded path could be like this: /path/to/e8a3e633-fc7f-4dde-b7f0-d2686bcd6836.jpeg

Obtain specific disk:

To interact with a specific disk instead of the default, use disk method:


// To adjust the configuration on the fly, you can specify the settings in the second argument:
Storage.disk('local', { uniqueFileName: false }).put(...);

Create your custom driver

If built-in drivers doesn't match your need, just defines a custom driver by extends Driver abstract class:

import Storage from '@file-storage/core';
import { Driver, DiskConfig } from '@file-storage/common';

interface MyCustomDiskConfig extends DiskConfig {
  driver: typeof MyCustomDriver;

class MyCustomDriver extends Driver {
  constructor(config: MyCustomDiskConfig) {

  // Implement all Driver's methods here.

And provide it to Storage.diskConfigs:

  diskConfigs: [
      driver: MyCustomDriver,
      name: 'myCustomDisk',

Image manipulation

To upload image and also creates many diferent sizes for web resonsive, install this package, it is acting as a plugin, will generates those images automatically. Images will be generated if the size reach given breakpoints. We provide 3 breakpoints by default: large: 1000, medium: 750, small: 500. And the thumbnail is also generaged by default.

$ yarn add @file-storage/image-manipulation

And provide it to Storage config:

import ImageManipulation from '@file-storage/image-manipulation';

  plugins: [ImageManipulation],

Image manipulation customize

You can customize responsive formats and thumbnail size:

import ImageManipulation from '@file-storage/image-manipulation';

  breakpoints: {
    size1: 500,
    size2: 800,
  thumbnailResizeOptions: {
    width: 333,
    height: 222,
    fit: 'contain',


  • Create interface for all result (Need same result format for all drivers).
  • Refactor customDrivers option: provides disk defination is enough.
  • Implement GCS disk.
  • Put file from a local path.
  • API section: detailed of each driver.
  • Remove customDrivers option, pass custom driver class directly to diskConfigs.driver.
  • Unique file name.
  • Update aws-sdk to v3.
  • Replace request module with another module as it was deprecated.
  • Remove deprecated: BuiltInDiskConfig, DriverName.
