
Notification package for go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Notification library for gophers and their furry friends. Heavily inspired by caronc/apprise.

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Using Shoutrrr

As a package

Using shoutrrr is easy! There is currently two ways of using it as a package.

Using the direct send command
  url := "slack://token-a/token-b/token-c"
  err := shoutrrr.Send(url, "Hello world (or slack channel) !")
Using a sender
  url := "slack://token-a/token-b/token-c"
  sender := shoutrrr.CreateSender(url)
  sender.Send("Hello world (or slack channel) !", map[string]string { /* ... */ })

Through the CLI

Start by running the build.sh script. You may then run the shoutrrr executable:

$ ./shoutrrr

./shoutrrr <ActionVerb> [...]
Possible actions: send, verify, generate
Action details
$ ./shoutrrr send
./shoutrrr send [OPTIONS] <URL> <Message [...]>

        display additional output
$ ./shoutrrr verify
./shoutrrr send [OPTIONS] <URL> <Message [...]>
$ ./shoutrrr generate
./shoutrrr generate [OPTIONS] <service>

Service URL:s

To make it easy and streamlined to consume shoutrrr regardless of the notification service you want to use, we've implemented a notification service url schema. To send notifications, instantiate the ShoutrrrrClient using one of the service urls below.

Service Format
Discord discord://channel/token
Pushover pushover://token/user/device
Slack slack://token-a/token-b/token-c
Teams teams://token-a/token-b/token-c
Telegram telegram://api-token/channel
Gotify gotify://gotify-host/token