
Dead simple Rails 3 SOAP server library

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


WashOut is a gem that greatly simplifies creation of SOAP service providers.

Travis CI Code Climate

But if you have a chance, please http://stopsoap.com/.


Rails >3.0 only. MRI 1.9, 2.0, JRuby (--1.9).

Ruby 1.8 is not officially supported since 0.5.3. We will accept further compatibilty pull-requests but no upcoming versions will be tested against it.

Rubinius support temporarily dropped since 0.6.2 due to Rails 4 incompatibility.


In your Gemfile, add this line:

gem 'wash_out'


A SOAP endpoint in WashOut is simply a Rails controller which includes the module WashOut::SOAP. Each SOAP action corresponds to a certain controller method; this mapping, as well as the argument definition, is defined by soap_action method. Check the method documentation for complete info; here, only a few examples will be demonstrated.

# app/controllers/rumbas_controller.rb
class RumbasController < ApplicationController
  include WashOut::SOAP

  # Simple case
  soap_action "integer_to_string",
              :args   => :integer,
              :return => :string
  def integer_to_string
    render :soap => params[:value].to_s

  soap_action "concat",
              :args   => { :a => :string, :b => :string },
              :return => :string
  def concat
    render :soap => (params[:a] + params[:b])

  # Complex structures
  soap_action "AddCircle",
              :args   => { :circle => { :center => { :x => :integer,
                                                     :y => :integer },
                                        :radius => :double } },
              :return => nil, # [] for wash_out below 0.3.0
              :to     => :add_circle
  def add_circle
    circle = params[:circle]

    raise SOAPError, "radius is too small" if circle[:radius] < 3.0

    Circle.new(circle[:center][:x], circle[:center][:y], circle[:radius])

    render :soap => nil

  # Arrays
  soap_action "integers_to_boolean",
              :args => { :data => [:integer] },
              :return => [:boolean]
  def integers_to_boolean
    render :soap => params[:data].map{|x| x ? 1 : 0}

  # You can use all Rails features like filtering, too. A SOAP controller
  # is just like a normal controller with a special routing.
  before_filter :dump_parameters
  def dump_parameters
    Rails.logger.debug params.inspect
# config/routes.rb
WashOutSample::Application.routes.draw do
  wash_out :rumbas

In such a setup, the generated WSDL may be queried at path /api/wsdl. So, with a gem like Savon, a request can be done using this path:

require 'savon'

client = Savon::Client.new("http://localhost:3000/rumbas/wsdl")

client.wsdl.soap_actions # => [:integer_to_string, :concat, :add_circle]

result = client.request(:concat) do
  soap.body = { :a => "123", :b => "abc" }

# actual wash_out
result.to_hash # => {:concat_reponse => {:value=>"123abc"}}

# wash_out below 0.3.0 (and this is malformed response so please update)
result.to_hash # => {:value=>"123abc"}

Reusable types

Basic inline types definition is fast and furious for the simple cases. You have an option to describe SOAP types inside separate classes for the complex ones. Here's the way to do that:

class Fluffy < WashOut::Type
  map :universe => {
        :name => :string,
        :age  => :int

class FluffyContainer < WashOut::Type
  type_name 'fluffy_con'
  map :fluffy => Fluffy

To use defined type inside your inline declaration, pass the class instead of type symbol (:fluffy => Fluffy).

Note that WashOut extends the ActiveRecord so every model you use is already a WashOut::Type and can be used inside your interface declarations.


Use config.wash_out... inside your environment configuration to setup WashOut.

Available properties are:

  • catch_xml_errors: intercept Rails parsing exceptions to return correct XML response for corrupt XML input. Default is false.
  • namespace: SOAP namespace to use. Default is urn:WashOut.
  • snakecase: (DEPRECATED SINCE 0.4.0) Determines if WashOut should modify parameters keys to snakecase. Default is false.
  • snakecase_input: Determines if WashOut should modify parameters keys to snakecase. Default is false.
  • camelize_wsdl: Determines if WashOut should camelize types within WSDL and responses. Default is false.


Note that WSDL camelization will affect method names but only if they were given as a symbol:

soap_action :foo  # this will be affected
soap_action "foo" # this will be passed as is




It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms of MIT license.