- AlenichelMilan
- arai-ta@chatwork
- augustoccesar@mentimeter
- chandlerroth@enokcollective
- darraghoriordanSydney, Australia
- davidmcnameeUniversity of Waterloo
- DPS0340@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS
- hazel-shenHappy Engineer Corporation
- iamjoekerJemurai
- juliandm
- koalaty-code@Basis-Theory
- kpedrok@mightyhealth
- kt3k@denoland
- landsmanPrague, Czech Republic
- loeffel-io@mindful-hq
- marceloboeira$[ @SeatGeek |=> @aws, @airbnb, @hey-car, @movinga, @globocom ]
- marcinkaluza
- MilesNorton
- nickperkinsDomino's Pizza Enterprises
- nikitavoloboevTbilisi
- nrempel@shopify
- richard-jfc@Jacks-Flight-Club
- rohitpaulk@codecrafters-io
- satyarohith@denoland
- sh0heiTokyo, Japan
- slavovthinks
- smorimoto@ocaml @tc39
- stevelizcanoUSA
- suzdalnitskiToronto, Canada
- tiptopcoder
- tk-ariaSomewhere in the game company
- umisoraJapan
- visortelleTeal Tools
- wscourge@SalesLoft
- zacksiri@upmaru @artellectual