Culture tickets is a software, to help event managers to sell tickets for their events. This repository represents the backend of the application.
- AC's
- Estimated
- Discussion in the team until anyone understands the topics
- UI mock
- > 1 approving code reviews
- Documented
- Tested
- AC's are fulfilled
Run the unit tests with the following commands:
mvn clean test
Build the app with the following commands:
mvn clean -U package
Run the app by downloading payara and running the following commands inside the payara5 directory:
# Start the server
./bin/asadmin start-domain
# Set the system environment variable "CultureTicketsRmiIP" to whatever IP (or localhost) the RMI should use. Default is
# Deploy the .war file
./bin/asadmin deploy path-to-war/itb5-culture-tickets-backend-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
# Undeploy the .war file
./bin/asadmin undeploy path-to-war/itb5-culture-tickets-backend-1.0-SNAPSHOT
# List deployments
./bin/asadmin list-applications
# Stop the server
./bin/asadmin stop-domain
You can access the payara admin console on http://localhost:4848/
You can access the app on http://localhost:8080/itb5-culture-tickets-backend-1.0-SNAPSHOT/
You can access the Python Script here
# Help from script
python -h