Software Configuration Management

Gruppe D: Lukas Becker, Andrea Heßler, David Akdogan
Since Exercise 3 David Akdogan left our Team, because he has to repeat the first semester.

Exercise 3

Link to Documentation

Division of Labour

Lukas Becker Andrea Heßler David Akdogan
Tests,Commenting+mvn site Implementation of "sales"-methods in

Commits and Changes

Date Names Changes
03.05. Lukas Becker & Andrea Heßler corrected Folder structure, improved POM, added first markdown files
17.05 Lukas Becker & Andrea Heßler added basic structures for this exercise, drinks now have to consist of at least one Liquid!
31.05 Lukas Becker & Andrea Heßler implemented SellingDay and Seller
02.06. Lukas Becker & Andrea Heßler implemented Registrierkasse, Tea & TeaTest, Main, added comments, writed designDecisions and codeExplanation
03.06. Lukas Becker implemented all testcases
07.06. Lukas Becker & Andrea Heßler Preparation maven site, completed Readme
  • Calculates certain sales using the Class
  • Datastructure saving the selling Day, Seller and Drink sold for each transaction
  • changes in ArrayList containing the Liquids a Drinks consists of, also added getter and setter methods for this, necessary for functionality!

Testing/Exercise 2

  • 15.3.: Lukas Becker: Repo Cleanup, folder structure, created branch
  • 16.3.: David Akdogan: created branch
  • 22.4.: Lukas Becker: added tests for Cocktail and Liquids Class
  • 24.4.: Andrea Heßler: added Map-teaList in and tests for Tea in
  • 24.4.: Lukas Becker: Added JavaDoc Comments and DisplayNames
  • 24.4.: All: Merged branches to main
  • 25.4.: Andrea Heßler: added more tests for Tea and all test for SimpleDrink
  • we don't test the main

Test Coverage

Class Coverage
Cocktail 100%
Coffee 100%
Tea 100%

Test Coverage of Project

Drinks Sample/Exercise 1

Becker Lukas: Add with first implementation

  • A Drink consisting of various Liquids
  • getVolume: Adds volumes of each Liquid together
  • getAlcoholPercent: Average of alcohol percent from each drink
  • isAlcoholic: Checks if any of the Liquids percentage is > 0
  • addLiquid: Adds a Liquid
  • getLiquids: returns a String array of all liquids of the cocktail

Andrea Heßler: Add with first implementation

  • Black Tea with Rum is a special SimpleDrink
  • add Drink t = new Tea to
  • solve the merge conflict
  • design a little better view for the output

David Akdogan: Add with first implementation

  • Irish Coffee with Whiskey
  • Volume
  • Alcohol percent
  • isAlcoholic
  • add Liquid: Whiskey

Commit History

  • 11.03.2021:

    • Lukas Becker: Created Repository and added Drinks Project from elearning Platform
    • Andrea Heßler: Added her class description to readme
    • Lukas Becker: formatted readme
    • David Akdogan: Added his class description to readme
    • Lukas Becker: Added his class description to readme and reformatted readme
    • Lukas Becker: Added class "Cocktail" to project and added first methods to it.
  • 14.03.2021

    • Andrea Heßler: Added Tea-Class to project and implemented it in main
    • Lukas Becker: Finished Cocktail Class: added new method getLiquids, implemented Class in Main Class
    • Lukas Becker: Added method description to readme
    • David Akdogan: Added Coffee-Class and implemented it in Main Class