

Primary LanguageR

Project Status: Active -- The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. DOI Lifecycle: stable R-CMD-check

ValiTex Checklist

This repository contains the online checklist of the ValiTex framework for validating text-based measures of social science constructs by Birkenmaier et al. (2023). The validation framework is designed to assist scholars in validly measuring social science constructs based on textual data.

User Instructions


You can run the online checklist locally on your machine using R. You can install the package holding the shiny application directly from Github using the install_github function from the devtools package as shown below. Please make sure, that you have the devtools package locally installed on your machine before starting the download.

# To install the package

# To load the package and data

User Instructions

This application generates an adaptable checklist that you can use to validate your text-based measures. Each row within the table corresponds to one validation step (i.e., a single reported and clearly demarcated validation activity). Validation steps can be either mandatory or optional depending on their relevance. As outlined in the corresponding paper, researchers should initially follow the order of the phases, starting with the substantive validation steps and ending with external validation steps while continuously considering robustness checks. However, researchers might adapt this process to their individual use case.

Use Cases

ValiTex accounts for differences in validation practices across text-based methods and research contexts. At present, ValiTex differentiates between seven use cases:

<style> table { font-size: 0.9em; /* Adjust the font size to your preference */ /* Add other CSS styles here if needed */ } </style>
# Use Case Learning Approach Training / Finetuning Data Required Known Output Categories Description Example
A Applying Dictionaries Rule-Based No Yes Assign scores to text units using predefined word lists A dictionary assigns polarity values ranging from -1 to 1 to each known text unit
B Classification using Traditional Supervised ML Supervised Yes Yes Assign known output categories based on labelled training data A Logistic regression model is trained on labelled customer reviews and predicts "positive" and "negative" reviews
C Classification using Fine-tuned ML Model Semi-Supervised Yes Yes Assign known output categories based on a fine-tuning process on a small subset of labelled data A pretrained BERT model is fine-tuned on labelled social media posts and predicts "offensive" and "non-offensive" posts
D Zero-Shot/Few-Shot Classification (known categories) Semi-Supervised No Yes Assign known output categories without any finetuning on labelled data GPT-3 predicts "political" or "non-political" speeches
E Zero-Shot/Few-Shot Classification (unknown categories) Unsupervised No No Assign unknown output categories without any finetuning on labelled data GPT-3 suggests topics for texts (not prescribed by the researcher)
F Topic Modelling Unsupervised No No Assign topics without any labeled data An LDA topic model generates 13 coherent topics
G Text Scaling Unsupervised No Yes Assign scale scores without any labelled data A Wordfish model assigns scale values from -1 to 1 to politicians’ speeches

The complete list of validation steps is also available on Github